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于 2019-11-21 发布
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说明:  使用PCA将数据集降维,降维后将特征脸还原(Use PCA to reduce the dimension of the data set, reduce the feature face after dimension reduction)


main.m, 1066 , 2019-11-20
ReadFaces.m, 1823 , 2019-11-19
visualize_pc.m, 406 , 2019-11-17
代码解读.docx, 16406 , 2019-11-16
approx.m, 400 , 2019-11-17
comparison.m, 2309 , 2019-11-20
displayImage.m, 487 , 2019-11-16
fastPCA.m, 739 , 2019-11-16



0 个回复

  • BrainNetViewer_20181219
    用于EEG脑部图像网络绘制的matlab程序包(Matlab package for EEG brain image network rendering)
    2021-01-16 18:18:45下载
  • studyonhighspeedandrealtimestorage
    以“宽幅盖面阵立体测绘小相机”项目为课题背景,深入的研究了高速图像传输,图 像实时压缩和压缩图像数据的实时存储问题 ATA,fpga("Wide Coverage RUF small, three-dimensional mapping camera," project subject to the background and in-depth study of the high-speed image transmission, Image compression and real-time compression of real-time image data storage problems ATA, fpga)
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  • zernikeCT
    此程序为泽尼克的方法拟合离散点的数据,用于图像处理。(Zernike parameter fitting)
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  • tuoyuanjibianjiaozheng
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  • CDD
    才用CDD对灰度或者彩色图像进行修复的一种方法(Only with the CDD on the grayscale or color image restoration method)
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  • Graphics
    一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 一、调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法画圆和椭圆。 二、多边形扫描转换算法和区域填充算法实现(扫描线算法为必做,基于求余运算的边缘填充和边标志算法为任选;基于种子的区域填充采用4连通区域的递归种子填充算法,或扫描线种子填充算法,要求种子点(x,y)可交互输入)。 三、线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的多边形,再画矩形的裁剪窗口,然后选择裁剪按钮(或命令),按下“上边裁剪”按钮(或执行“上边裁剪”命令),多边形相对裁剪窗口的上边进行裁剪,显示上边裁剪后的多边形,依此进行其它各边裁剪。 四、用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括类似自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 五、简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 六、交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 (An integrated graphical interface of the program, each operation subroutine callable. One call a function of the point of the painting, with the DDA, the midpoint algorithm for drawing a straight line and the midpoint algorithm circle and oval. Second, the polygon scan conversion algorithm and region filling algorithm (scan line algorithm for must fill and edge flag algorithm based on the edge of the modulo operator is optional using the 4 regional connectivity recursive seed filling algorithm based on the area of seed filling, or scan line seed filling algorithm requires the seed point (x, y) can be entered interactively). Line Clipping polygon clipping algorithm animation achieved. (Two Line Clipping Algorithm and HS polygon-by-side clipping algorithm) polygon clipping algorithm animation requires draw a closed polygon, rectangle and then draw the crop window, and then select the the cropped button (or command), press the "on top of cutting "button (or the implementation of)
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