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Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for IEEE Conferences

于 2019-11-21 发布
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IEEEtran.cls, 281957 , 2019-11-09
bare_adv.tex, 38435 , 2019-11-09
bare_conf.tex, 21099 , 2019-11-09
bare_conf_compsoc.tex, 21905 , 2019-11-09
bare_jrnl.tex, 26887 , 2019-11-09
bare_jrnl_compsoc.tex, 30906 , 2019-11-09
bare_jrnl_comsoc.tex, 28286 , 2019-11-09
bare_jrnl_transmag.tex, 26855 , 2019-11-09
changelog.txt, 35418 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEabrv.bib, 20899 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEexample.bib, 39685 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEfull.bib, 24832 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEtran.bst, 57748 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEtranN.bst, 63583 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEtranS.bst, 61730 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEtranSA.bst, 65863 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEtranSN.bst, 66951 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\changelog.txt, 8847 , 2019-11-09
testflow\testflow.tex, 16834 , 2019-11-09
tools\IEEEtrantools.sty, 130521 , 2019-11-09
tools\IEEEtrantools_doc.txt, 13144 , 2019-11-09
tools\changelog.txt, 4725 , 2019-11-09
IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf, 671626 , 2019-11-09
README, 5465 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf, 286900 , 2019-11-09
bibtex\README, 5527 , 2019-11-09
extras\README, 1974 , 2019-11-09
extras\tux.eps, 105094 , 2019-11-09
extras\tux.pdf, 19349 , 2019-11-09
testflow\README, 2805 , 2019-11-09
testflow\testflow_ctl_A4.pdf, 74762 , 2019-11-09
testflow\testflow_ctl_A4.ps, 153750 , 2019-11-09
testflow\testflow_ctl_LTR.pdf, 74715 , 2019-11-09
testflow\testflow_ctl_LTR.ps, 153801 , 2019-11-09
testflow\testflow_doc.pdf, 389625 , 2019-11-09
tools\README, 4190 , 2019-11-09



0 个回复

  • 管理的第一要素即是管人,也就是要根据人的心理和思想规律,通过尊重人、关心人、激励人来改善人际关系,充分发挥人的积极性和创造性,从而提高劳动和管理效率。...
    管理的第一要素即是管人,也就是要根据人的心理和思想规律,通过尊重人、关心人、激励人来改善人际关系,充分发挥人的积极性和创造性,从而提高劳动和管理效率。-The first element of the management of people that are governing, that is, people want in accordance with the laws of the psychological and ideological, through respect for people, caring for people, inspire people to improve interpersonal relationships, the people give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity, thus enhancing the efficiency of labor and management.
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  • CandPiont
    C和指针,强烈推鉴学C的人看一看,保证不会让你失望.(C and indicators, strongly pushed Stephen C. study to look at the people, guarantee you will not be disappointed.)
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    实现点云三维显示,并根据点云的高程或者反射率信息显示点颜色(Realize three-dimensional display of point cloud, and display point color according to the height or reflectivity information of point cloud)
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  • ARQ协议实验的实现,模拟发送方和接收方,将文件1中的数据发送到文件3,其中文件2保存中间内容...
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  • 这里是我自己学习winsocket2 序时候所写的一个聊天室的序,序是一步一步完善过来的。 ChartSrv是服务器端 ChartCLie...
    这里是我自己学习winsocket2 编程序时候所写的一个聊天室的程序,程序是一步一步完善过来的。 ChartSrv是服务器端 ChartCLient是客户端(可以开多个) 由于里面加入了获取hostname的东西所以速度有点慢,可以注释掉直接使用IP通信就快了。 代码展示了socket2的异步通信的实现,有兴趣的可以一起学习。-Here is my own time learning winsocket2 programmed written by a chat room procedures step by step procedure is to improve overnight. ChartSrv is a server-side ChartCLient the client (can be opened more than) as a result of which joined the hostname to obtain the speed of things so a bit slow, you can comment out the direct use of IP communications on faster. Code demonstrates the socket2 realize asynchronous communication, are interested in learning together.
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  • IPathEnumerator
    archives inside archives Source Code for Andriod.
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    LDA是一种文档主题生成模型,也称为一个三层贝叶斯概率模型,包含词、主题和文档三层结构。文档到主题服从Dirichlet分布,主题到词服从多项式分布。 LDA是一种非监督机器学习技术,可以用来识别大规模文档集(document collection)或语料库(corpus)中潜藏的主题信息。它采用了词袋(bag of words)的方法,这种方法将每一篇文档视为一个词频向量,从而将文本信息转化为了易于建模的数字信息。但是词袋方法没有考虑词与词之间的顺序,这简化了问题的复杂性,同时也为模型的改进提供了契机。每一篇文档代表了一些主题所构成的一个概率分布,而每一个主题又代表了很多单词所构成的一个概率分布。 对于语料库中的每篇文档,LDA定义了如下生成过程(generative process): 1. 对每一篇文档,从主题分布中抽取一个主题; 2. 从上述被抽到的主题所对应的单词分布中抽取一个单词; 3. 重复上述过程直至遍历文档中的每一个单词。
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    说明:  将一张【工作薄】中多张【工作表】汇总成一张表。(Combine a worksheet and multiple sheets into one table.)
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