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于 2019-11-17 发布
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说明:  半监督SVM能够高效 快速的实现对数据的分类,具有极高的效率,是非常好的资源(Semi-supervised SVM can efficiently and quickly classify data, has high efficiency, and is a very good resource.)


tsvm, 0 , 2015-10-13
tsvm\consist.m, 2674 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\contents.m, 1640 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\demsvml1.m, 3670 , 2015-09-25
tsvm\example1, 0 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example1\model, 662839 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example1\model1, 660834 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example1\predictions, 7059 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example1\test.dat, 536475 , 1997-11-17
tsvm\example1\train.dat, 2154343 , 1997-11-17
tsvm\example1\words, 69569 , 1997-11-21
tsvm\example2, 0 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example2\model, 244433 , 2015-09-23
tsvm\example2\model1, 244001 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example2\model1.traindata, 549515 , 2015-09-23
tsvm\example2\predictions, 6926 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example2\test.dat, 536475 , 1999-07-06
tsvm\example2\train_induction.dat, 10666 , 1999-07-19
tsvm\example2\train_transduction.dat, 546368 , 2015-09-23
tsvm\example2\trans_predictions, 17128 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example2\words, 69569 , 1999-07-06
tsvm\example3, 0 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\example3\test.dat, 124 , 2002-07-03
tsvm\example3\train.dat, 405 , 2002-07-03
tsvm\svml.m, 5498 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\svmlfwd.m, 1694 , 2015-09-24
tsvm\svmlopt.m, 11320 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\svmlread.m, 2765 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\svmltrain.m, 2844 , 2015-09-25
tsvm\svmlwrite.m, 2180 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\svm_classify.exe, 32306 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\svm_classify.m, 2157 , 2015-09-25
tsvm\svm_learn.exe, 108871 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\svm_learn.m, 5117 , 2015-09-08
tsvm\svm_light, 0 , 2015-09-26
tsvm\svm_light\kernel.h, 1999 , 2004-05-15
tsvm\svm_light\LICENSE.txt, 2195 , 2004-05-15
tsvm\svm_light\Makefile, 3707 , 2008-10-09
tsvm\svm_light\svm_classify.c, 7139 , 2008-10-09
tsvm\svm_light\svm_common.c, 25449 , 2008-10-09
tsvm\svm_light\svm_common.h, 12759 , 2008-10-09
tsvm\svm_light\svm_hideo.c, 29667 , 2004-09-04
tsvm\svm_light\svm_learn.c, 135887 , 2004-08-28
tsvm\svm_light\svm_learn.h, 8580 , 2004-07-16
tsvm\svm_light\svm_learn_main.c, 17747 , 2008-10-09
tsvm\svm_light\svm_loqo.c, 7124 , 2004-07-15
tsvm\tsvm.m, 2607 , 2015-09-25
tsvm\说明.txt, 150 , 2015-09-09



0 个回复

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