首页 » Visual C++ » ConvertBMP


于 2020-06-16 发布
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说明:  说明: 压缩BMP图片,图片质量有些损失,但压缩率很大(Explanation: Compressing BMP pictures may cause some loss of image quality, but the compression rate is very high.)



0 个回复

  • binghe
    有关冰河源码,提供大家学习.是否能用,本人没有测试过.使用的工具是VC++ 可以做学习参考之用(the glacial source for study. Whether used. I have not yet been tested. the tools used VC can do is learn reference only)
    2006-06-21 09:08:49下载
  • ascii
    VB写的Ascii字符的转换与显示实例,可以下载学习。(VB write Ascii character conversion and display examples, you can download to learn.)
    2013-07-11 07:56:36下载
  • GETWEButf-8
    MFC获取网页的utf-8中文源码 适用于VS2013 可以查看源码,同样适用于VS2008(i Can t speak english...)
    2014-01-21 21:09:23下载
  • pooceduresLCD
    用VB做的一个液晶取字模程序,做液晶显示应该能够能用得到(Using VB to do a take type LCD procedures, can do LCD display should be able to get)
    2017-04-05 01:58:42下载
  • ReadColor
    一个读取屏幕上当前鼠标点颜色值的小程序,对于分析屏幕上的颜色有帮助。(A read on the screen the current mouse point color value of small procedures, the analysis of color on the screen has to help.)
    2008-05-26 09:26:35下载
  • vc++jishuneimu5
    VC技术内幕第五版(英文)The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++. (VC technology insider, fifth edition (English) The 6.0 release of Visual C's hows Microsoft's continued focus on te Internet chnologies and COM. which are key components of the new Windows Dist ributed interNet Application Architecture (D NA). In addition to supporting these platform i nitiatives. Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of produ ctivity-boosting features such as Edit And Con tinue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete. tips and code. These features take to a Visual C n ew level. We have tried to make sure that this boo k keeps you up to speed on the latest technologie 's being introduced into Visual C.)
    2007-04-08 13:51:01下载
  • LibSVM-code-Comment
    LibSVM代码注释,方便阅读和修改libsvm源码(LibSVM code comments, easy to read and modify the source code libsvm)
    2015-04-01 11:32:21下载
  • FOC
    台达的东东哦。。绝对真实,不过是汇编的,喜欢的筒子可以看看(Delta stuff, oh. . Absolutely true, but a compilation of favorite cheese can look)
    2014-08-27 10:02:51下载
  • VB6.0中文版语言参考手册
    说明:  本书是美国微软出版社授权的MicrosoftVisualStudio中文版系列中的一本。全书按字母顺序列出了VisualBasic6.0的函数、语句、方法、属性及事件,附录部分提供了ANSI字符集、数据类型、运算符等等的数学函数及转换函数。本书不但是从事VisualBasic6.0应用和开发人员的工具书,也可作为大专院校相关专业的师生、科研院所的科技人员自学和教学的重要参考书。本书还提供配套的电子书,以方便读者携带、学习和长久保存。(the book is Microsoft Press MicrosoftVisualStudio authorized by the Chinese edition of the series, one. The book listed in alphabetical order by VB6.0 functions, the statement, methods, properties and events, appendix portion of the ANSI character set, data types, etc. Operators of mathematical functions and conversion functions. This book is not only engaged in the development of Visual Basic 6.0 applications and the tools that can be as professional institutions related to the teachers and students, research institutes and technological personnel in learning and teaching as an important reference book. The book also provides matching e-books, for the convenience of the reader to carry, learning and the long-term preservation.)
    2005-11-23 13:46:38下载
  • 123
    基于 VB 的一个公交查询系统,有数据,能直接运行(VB-based search system of a bus, there are data that can be run directly)
    2010-08-18 00:11:55下载
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