首页 » C# » 俄罗斯方块


于 2020-06-18 发布
0 148
下载积分: 1 下载次数: 2


说明:  俄罗斯方块游戏,就像是一样的操作,没什么特别的,初学者使用(Tetris game, like the same operation, nothing special, beginners use)


.vs, 0 , 2019-07-16
.vs\youxi, 0 , 2019-07-16
.vs\youxi\v16, 0 , 2019-07-16
.vs\youxi\v16\.suo, 87552 , 2019-07-17
.vs\youxi\v16\Server, 0 , 2019-07-16
.vs\youxi\v16\Server\sqlite3, 0 , 2019-07-17
.vs\youxi\v16\Server\sqlite3\db.lock, 0 , 2019-07-16
.vs\youxi\v16\Server\sqlite3\storage.ide, 1019904 , 2019-07-17
Backup, 0 , 2015-05-02
Backup\TetrisApp, 0 , 2015-05-02
Backup\TetrisApp\Form1.cs, 5107 , 2008-04-26
Backup\TetrisApp\Form1.Designer.cs, 19971 , 2008-04-26
Backup\TetrisApp\Form1.resx, 69947 , 2008-04-26
Backup\TetrisApp\Program.cs, 467 , 2008-04-25
Backup\TetrisApp\Properties, 0 , 2015-05-02
Backup\TetrisApp\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1176 , 2008-04-25
Backup\TetrisApp\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs, 2838 , 2008-04-25
Backup\TetrisApp\Properties\Resources.resx, 5817 , 2007-03-25
Backup\TetrisApp\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs, 1091 , 2008-04-25
Backup\TetrisApp\Properties\Settings.settings, 249 , 2007-03-21
Backup\TetrisApp\you.cs, 51885 , 2008-04-26
Backup\TetrisApp\youxi.csproj, 3414 , 2008-04-25
Backup\youxi.sln, 908 , 2008-04-25
Backup\youxi.v12.suo, 32256 , 2011-05-26
TetrisApp, 0 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\app.config, 163 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\bin, 0 , 2015-05-02
TetrisApp\bin\Debug, 0 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\sample.trf, 3251 , 2007-03-26
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\TetrisApp.exe, 77824 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\TetrisApp.exe.config, 163 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\TetrisApp.pdb, 62976 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\TetrisApp.vshost.exe, 22704 , 2014-10-16
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\TetrisApp.vshost.exe.manifest, 490 , 2010-03-17
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\youxiApp.exe, 90112 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\bin\Debug\youxiApp.vshost.exe, 5632 , 2005-12-08
TetrisApp\Form1.cs, 5107 , 2019-07-16
TetrisApp\Form1.Designer.cs, 20745 , 2019-07-16
TetrisApp\Form1.resx, 69947 , 2019-07-16
TetrisApp\obj, 0 , 2015-05-02
TetrisApp\obj\Debug, 0 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache, 1201 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache, 6705 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\Refactor, 0 , 2012-09-12
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 4031 , 2007-03-22
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\TempPE, 0 , 2015-05-02
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll, 3584 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\TetrisApp.exe, 77824 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\TetrisApp.FormTetris.resources, 42223 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\TetrisApp.pdb, 62976 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\TetrisApp.Properties.Resources.resources, 180 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxi.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache, 42 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxi.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt, 1741 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxi.csproj.GenerateResource.cache, 939 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxi.csprojAssemblyReference.cache, 31412 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxi.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 1341 , 2014-08-14
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxiApp.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache, 905 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxiApp.exe, 90112 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxiApp.Form1.resources, 42223 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxiApp.pdb, 77312 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\obj\Debug\youxiApp.Properties.Resources.resources, 180 , 2007-03-25
TetrisApp\obj\youxi.csproj.FileList.txt, 277 , 2011-05-26
TetrisApp\obj\youxiApp.csproj.FileList.txt, 287 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\Program.cs, 467 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\Properties, 0 , 2015-05-02
TetrisApp\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1176 , 2008-04-25
TetrisApp\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs, 2853 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\Properties\Resources.resx, 5817 , 2007-03-25
TetrisApp\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs, 1109 , 2019-07-17
TetrisApp\Properties\Settings.settings, 249 , 2007-03-21
TetrisApp\Resources, 0 , 2012-09-12
TetrisApp\you.cs, 51885 , 2008-04-26
TetrisApp\youxi.csproj, 3830 , 2019-07-17
UpgradeLog.htm, 41718 , 2014-08-14
youxi.sln, 988 , 2014-08-14
youxi.suo, 32256 , 2011-05-26
youxi.v12.suo, 59904 , 2014-10-16



0 个回复

  • mySnikeNew
    贪吃蛇游戏,简单,适合初学者.可以加速,变粗(Snake game, simple and suitable for beginners. Can speed up, thick)
    2011-01-16 18:09:37下载
  • jsdetectmine
    一个仿windows的扫雷程序,写的不错,很有参考价值,可以看一下(a windows-like detect mine game)
    2012-10-31 08:34:26下载
  • pp
    说明:  简单的打砖块游戏,基本实现所要求的所有功能,敬请检查(Simple Breakout game, basically all the features required, please check)
    2010-05-12 09:27:45下载
  • 3D_RPG_sbns
    如果只是执行EXE文件,只要电脑安装了Direct X9.0就行了, 一般电脑在装操作系统时有默认安装这个的! ------------------------------------------------------- 如果是要编译游戏源程序,需要安装VC++ 6.0和DirectX 9.0b或以上的版本! 游戏名称:孙膑问世 游戏内容: 本游戏改编自36集大集古装电视连续剧《孙子兵法与三十六计》 游戏类型:3D RPG游戏 游戏剧情:目前只有初期剧情,大约30分钟 出现的主要人物有:孙膑(初始名为:孙宾)、鬼谷子、庞涓、钟离春 出现的NPC有:山药夫、武防店主、柴夫、猎人 出现了3个场景,分别是:鬼谷山顶、鬼谷半山腰(鬼谷子住处)、鬼谷山脚下(if only to implement EXE file, if the computer installed Direct X9.0 on the trip, In general computer operating systems installed by default when you install this!------------------------------- If the game is to compile source files, need to install VC 6.0 and DirectX 9.0b or more versions! Name of the game : Sun Bin advent of the game : Adapted from the game 36 sets great costume collection television series, "Art of War, and thirty-six stratagems" game types : 3D RPG game storyline games : at present only the initial story appeared about 30 minutes, the main characters are : Sun Bin (initial entitled : Bin Sun), Guiguzi, Pang Juan Zhong Li-chun of NPC : Yam said that the armed defense of shopkeepers, Cifu. Hunter appeared three scenes are : Guiguzi Pe)
    2020-07-04 23:40:02下载
  • multiagent
    实现了一个吃豆人小游戏的功能,使用了多种搜索算法,包括DFS以及BFS等(Implements a Pac-Man game features, using a variety of search algorithms, including DFS and BFS, etc.)
    2020-10-28 21:59:59下载
  • timefunction
    时间函数举例,一个猜数游戏,判断一个人反应快慢,是用C编写的(Function of time, for example, a guess the number of games to determine the response speed of a person is prepared to use C)
    2009-04-14 21:30:03下载
  • soccerRobot
    足球机器人比赛程序,参加比赛的时候编写的,请大家参考。(Robot Soccer Competition procedures when preparing to participate in the competition, please reference.)
    2021-04-24 16:38:47下载
  • 456767566
    飞机飞行游戏演示代码,1.界面美观大方 2.电脑智能下棋 3.有多种难度选择 4.内带黑白棋规则教程 5.电脑会有响应提示,与玩家进行互动 6.集娱乐性,智力多种元素于一身 ...查看 (jaoifsjgjsgjdgjjgjhgfr7i6dtui)
    2021-04-24 14:28:47下载
  • GuessNumber
    Qt猜数字游戏,Qt Creator操作实践。程序中图片需要再自行添加,未添加到资源文件(A game named GuessNumber)
    2020-06-21 20:40:02下载
  • bb
    说明:  这是一个小游戏,俄罗斯方块。供大家学习和参考。。。。。。。。。(this is a interesting game.)
    2014-08-12 22:04:19下载
  • 696518资源总数
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  • 24今日下载