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于 2020-06-19 发布
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说明:  采用Spring、SpringMVC、Mybatis、Shiro,前端采用adminLTE、vue.js、bootstrap-table、tree-grid、layer(Spring, Spring MVC, Mybatis, Shiro, adminLTE, vue. js, bootstrap-table, tree-grid, layer are used in the front end.)



0 个回复

  • jcrawl
    jcrawl是一款小巧性能优良的的web爬虫,它可以从网页抓取各种类型的文件,基于用户定义的符号,比如email,qq. (jcrawl is a small, good performance of the web crawler, it can capture various types of files from web pages, based on user-defined symbols, such as email, qq.)
    2020-07-10 21:18:54下载
  • esmd4j-1.0-free (2)
    说明:  用于极点对称模态分解求解,对输入信号进行模态分解并求出相应图形和数据(Used for pole-symmetric modal decomposition solution, modal decomposition of input signals and determination of corresponding graphics and data)
    2019-02-28 21:23:39下载
  • MobileDevelopersGuideToTheGalaxy
    Mobile Developers Guide To TheGalaxy 移动开发阐述,对比了当前市面上流行的多种移动平台j2me, iphone, symbian, android, palm等等,让你了解移动开发,并决定在项目中使用哪一种平台.(Mobile Developers Guide To TheGalaxy Mobile development guide, with which you can decide which platform you can use for your project, j2me, iphone, symbian, android, palm or other else.)
    2009-10-30 17:33:24下载
  • Java面试宝典2018版Beta5.0
    java , mainshi baodian 2018 Beta5.0
    2020-06-20 01:00:02下载
  • jpcap_x64
    jpcap64位包 含jpcap.dll(jpcap64.jar+ jpcap.dll)
    2018-01-12 16:23:06下载
  • ManageSystem
    说明:  一个采用Java语言开发的学生信息管理系统,项目实训时所写(A student information management system developed in Java language. Written during the project training)
    2020-06-22 15:00:02下载
  • Uninstall_app
    静默批量卸载安卓非内置App源码,传统的安卓应用卸载会直接转跳到系统的应用详情界面点击卸载才能一个个的卸载,本例子卸载应用的时候不需要弹出应用管理界面直接静默卸载手机非内置应用,用户体验良好并且支持选择多个app一起卸载,但是运行的时候会申请Root权限,有Root权限才能卸载。(PS.另外尝试了一下卸载360,未果,说明并不是万能不过卸载普通的app绰绰有余了)默认编译版本4.2.2编码GBK源码有注释。(Silent batch uninstall an Zhuofei built-in app source and traditional Android application uninstall will turn directly jump to the system application details screen, click the uninstall it before one of the unloading, this example to uninstall applications don t need pop-up application management interface directly silent uninstall mobile non built should be used, user experience good and support more than one app selection uninstalled together, but run time will apply root privileges, root privileges to uninstall. (Ps. in addition to try to uninstall the 360, failed to explain is not a panacea, but unloading ordinary app more than sufficient) default annotated version 4.2.2 GBK encoding source code compilation.)
    2016-07-05 15:25:54下载
  • jisGWT
    这个是利用Google Web Toolkit开发的一个桌面应用程序框架,这是基于这GWT的环境下工作的,功能强大!(This is the use of Google Web Toolkit development of a desktop application framework that is based on the GWT environment, work, and powerful!)
    2009-09-25 17:27:45下载
  • tenement1
    青鸟租房管理系统,发布修改,更新,删除,上传(Green bird renting management system)
    2020-12-17 03:39:12下载
  • StudentDAO
    学生管理系统编程,有很多功能哦 不错的(student management system programming, has a lot of functions, oh good )
    2006-06-01 22:00:24下载
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