首页 » Java » 勇敢的猪


于 2020-06-19 发布
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说明:  实现"勇敢的猪"这款游戏的最基本功能,如游戏界面,操作控制,游戏设置,玩家排行榜与帮助等(To achieve the most basic functions of the "brave pig" game, such as game interface, operation control, game settings, player ranking and help, etc.)



0 个回复

  • Random6Str
    这个程序模拟实现了:1网页中生成六个字母的Java小程序,使用到了Random()函数 2:基本类型与String类型的链接 3:常用的数学函数(The code will generate six letters with random(). Another explain the basic types and the String. The last gives us examples of some math functions.)
    2010-12-17 19:34:26下载
  • jishenghua-JSH_ERP-master
    说明:  华夏ERP基于SpringBoot框架,立志为中小企业提供开源好用的ERP软件,目前专注进销存+财务功能。主要模块有零售管理、采购管理、销售管理、仓库管理、财务管理、报表查询、基础数据、系统管理等。支持预付款、收入支出、仓库调拨、组装拆卸、礼品卡等特色功能。拥有库存状况、出入库统计等报表。同时对角色和权限进行了细致全面控制,精确到每个按钮和菜单。(Based on SpringBook framework, Huaxia ERP aims to provide open source and easy-to-use ERP software for SMEs. At present, it focuses on purchase, sale, storage and financial functions. The main modules are retail management, purchasing management, sales management, warehouse management, financial management, report query, basic data, system management, etc. Support advance payment, revenue and expenditure, warehouse allocation, assembly and disassembly, gift cards and other features. Have inventory status, entry and Exit Statistics and other reports. At the same time, roles and privileges are carefully and comprehensively controlled, precisely to each button and menu.)
    2019-01-14 17:33:56下载
  • booksystem
    用户登录上后可以进行借书管理,当书籍数量不足时借书失败,当读者借书成功后系统会自动规定读者还书时间(After the user logs in, he can manage the borrowing of books. When the number of books is insufficient, he fails to borrow books. When the reader borrows books successfully, the system will automatically stipulate the time for the reader to return the books.)
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