

于 2020-06-20 发布
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说明:  DEA solver for windows 10 in matlab666


MATLAB VAJE PML 12.6.18.rar, 1008750 , 2019-04-24
MATLAB PML VAJE 5.6.18.rar, 7148309 , 2019-04-24
PML VAJE OSTALO.rar, 20094 , 2019-04-24



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  • backstepping
    The objective is to present a nonlinear approach to design a suitable controller system for the photovoltaic (PV) single-phase grid-connected system. The system structure includes a PV generator, Boost converter, and DC-AC inverter coupled to grid network. A backstepping controller is developed to extract maximum point power tracking (MPPT), to regulate the DC bus voltage, and to generate a sinusoidal current into the grid in phase with grid voltage in order to achieve unity power factor. The stability of the control algorithm is demonstrated by tools of Lyapunov analysis. Simulations show that the proposed controller system completely accomplishes listed aims even under atmospheric conditions variation. Theperformance of the proposed controller has been validated by numerical simulation in MATLAB SIMULINK(The objective is to present a nonlinear approach to design a suitable controller system for the photovoltaic (PV) single-phase grid-connected system. The system structure includes a PV generator, Boost converter, and DC-AC inverter coupled to grid network. A backstepping controller is developed to extract maximum point power tracking (MPPT), to regulate the DC bus voltage, and to generate a sinusoidal current into the grid in phase with grid voltage in order to achieve unity power factor. The stability of the control algorithm is demonstrated by tools of Lyapunov analysis. Simulations show that the proposed controller system completely accomplishes listed aims even under atmospheric conditions variation. Theperformance of the proposed controller has been validated by numerical simulation in MATLAB SIMULINK)
    2020-06-22 02:00:02下载
  • file_systems_source
    file system source code
    2004-10-04 17:28:40下载
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