首页 » LINUX » 2048-master


于 2020-06-21 发布
0 107
下载积分: 1 下载次数: 1


说明:  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam accumsan quam in pharetra facilisis. Nullam a lorem porta, cursus tellus ac, commodo ligula. Morbi eget nunc eu risus laoreet porta. Mauris nibh nulla, pulvinar vel neque ut, facilisis mattis orci. Cras in pulvinar enim, in sagittis lectus. Nunc rutrum odio ut tortor laoreet, at ullamcorper diam mollis. Nullam ut rutrum dui. Sed tortor eros, elementum at lectus a, feugiat dapibus orci. Vivamus at porta sem, non porta enim. Sed hendrerit volutpat dui, vel hendrerit nisi convallis nec. Cras vitae lobortis arcu. Mauris molestie risus a volutpat sollicitudin. Suspendisse quis fermentum felis.


2048-master, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\.gitignore, 13 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\.jshintrc, 335 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\CONTRIBUTING.md, 1970 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\LICENSE.txt, 1083 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\README.md, 2280 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\Rakefile, 300 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\favicon.ico, 4286 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\index.html, 3988 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\animframe_polyfill.js, 890 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\application.js, 197 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\bind_polyfill.js, 220 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\classlist_polyfill.js, 1794 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\game_manager.js, 7627 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\grid.js, 2526 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\html_actuator.js, 4040 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\keyboard_input_manager.js, 4005 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\local_storage_manager.js, 1588 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\tile.js, 594 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\meta, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\meta\apple-touch-icon.png, 5808 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\meta\apple-touch-startup-image-640x1096.png, 70707 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\meta\apple-touch-startup-image-640x920.png, 42020 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Bold-webfont.eot, 23821 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Bold-webfont.svg, 79206 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Bold-webfont.woff, 27120 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Light-webfont.eot, 25570 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Light-webfont.svg, 96271 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Light-webfont.woff, 28700 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Regular-webfont.eot, 23490 , 2018-10-28
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2048-master\style\fonts\clear-sans.css, 1078 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\helpers.scss, 1679 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\main.css, 20647 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\main.scss, 10404 , 2018-10-28



0 个回复

  • Paopao12
    这是个类似泡泡堂的游戏,用j2me编的,代码和图片完整,供大家下载(This is a game similar to paopaotang)
    2011-10-27 22:10:02下载
    说明:  超级玛丽编程,快乐学Java,后续还有素材包(Super Mary small game, has realized the copycat version, learn game programming together)
    2019-11-20 14:26:06下载
  • JSGames
    js小游戏源码例如:微信打飞机, 泡泡龙,开心消消乐,架子鼓(All kinds of JS games source code such as: Wechat Airplane, Bubble Dragon, Happy and Fun, Drum shelf)
    2019-05-17 11:37:02下载
  • 11
    说明:  拼图游戏,也是很好的源码,减压后就知道了(Jigsaw puzzle, but also a good source, after decompression know)
    2007-12-30 22:57:11下载
  • 209
    本程序是一个解救人质游戏,需要的同学可以看看玩玩,还不错哈(Hostage rescue game)
    2015-05-12 20:53:05下载
  • buddyBank
    类似qq农场的h5源代码,可以实现偷金币的功能,类似于偷菜,功能完善(H5 source code similar to QQ farm can realize the function of stealing gold coins, similar to stealing vegetables, with perfect functions)
    2019-03-01 13:44:23下载
  • 钓鱼区域
    说明:  它可以在SAMP游戏中实现钓鱼区域划分。它需要自己运行,实现不同的颜色。(It can divide fishing area in SAMP game. It needs to run on its own to achieve different colors.)
    2020-06-24 23:40:12下载
  • 五子棋源码
        当前网络上流传的五子棋游戏功能并不尽善尽美,其中最主要的问题就是人机对战和网络对战不能够一起实现,所以我决定开发一个既能够人机对战,又能够进行网络对战的五子棋系统。     本程序是一款功能非常完善的五子棋程序,支持人机对战和网络对战,对于学习MFC编程和网络编程的网友绝对会有非常大的帮助。     考虑到整个的下棋过程(无论对方是电脑抑或其他网络玩家)可以分为:己方落子、等待对方落子、对方落子、设置己方棋盘数据这一系列过程,因此一人游戏类、二人游戏类和棋盘类之间的关系参考了AbstractFactory(抽象工厂)模式,以实现对两个不同模块进行一般化的控制。       整个架构的核心部分,类名为 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报
    2023-07-27 20:05:04下载
  • 人机对弈
    人机对弈五子棋游戏,本游戏使用VC为工具,完成了智能化的机器走棋!(man-machine players 331 games, the game using VC as a tool for the completion of intelligent machines go chess!)
    2005-04-22 08:20:44下载
  • 85646465467
    VB语言写的扑克牌电脑魔术——读懂你的心源代码.(VB language to write the poker magic computer- read your source code.)
    2013-08-09 11:36:59下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104582会员总数
  • 48今日下载