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different energy grain boundary

于 2020-06-21 发布
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说明:  根据晶粒结构数据,输出不同晶粒和粒子界面能所对应的粒子分数,以及晶粒分数。(According to the grain structure data, the corresponding particle fractions and grain fractions of different grains and interfacial energies are output.)


different energy grain boundary contact with particles\.vs\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\v14\.suo, 50176 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\App.config, 189 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.exe, 13312 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.exe.config, 189 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.pdb, 28160 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.vshost.exe, 22696 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.vshost.exe.config, 189 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.vshost.exe.manifest, 490 , 2018-04-12
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.csproj, 4006 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Form1.cs, 12502 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Form1.Designer.cs, 2074 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Form1.resx, 5817 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache, 1464 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache, 7508 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt, 1878 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache, 1012 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 2384 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.exe, 13312 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.pdb, 28160 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different_energy_grain_boundary_contact_with_particles.Form1.resources, 180 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\different_energy_grain_boundary_contact_with_particles.Properties.Resources.resources, 180 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Program.cs, 566 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1416 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs, 2921 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Properties\Resources.resx, 5612 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs, 1141 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Properties\Settings.settings, 249 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles.sln, 1129 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug\TempPE, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\.vs\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\v14, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Debug, 0 , 2019-07-08
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin\Release, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj\Debug, 0 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\.vs\different energy grain boundary contact with particles, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\bin, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\obj, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles\Properties, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\.vs, 0 , 2019-07-03
different energy grain boundary contact with particles\different energy grain boundary contact with particles, 0 , 2019-07-11
different energy grain boundary contact with particles, 0 , 2019-07-03



0 个回复

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