grain boundary particles percent
说明: 根据二维材料组织图数据,计算晶界不同位置处(晶内、晶界或晶角)第二相粒子的数目和比例。(The number and proportion of the second phase particles at different locations of grain boundary (intragranular, grain boundary or grain angle) are calculated according to the data of two-dimensional material histogram.)
grain boundary particles percent\.vs\grain boundary particles percent\v14\.suo, 47616 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\App.config, 189 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.exe, 14848 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.exe.config, 189 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.pdb, 32256 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.vshost.exe, 22696 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.vshost.exe.config, 189 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.vshost.exe.manifest, 490 , 2018-04-12
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Form1.cs, 21507 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Form1.Designer.cs, 2052 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Form1.resx, 5817 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent.csproj, 3962 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache, 1464 , 2019-03-18
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache, 7466 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt, 1590 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache, 1012 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache, 2384 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.exe, 14848 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain boundary particles percent.pdb, 32256 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain_boundary_particles_percent.Form1.resources, 180 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\grain_boundary_particles_percent.Properties.Resources.resources, 180 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Program.cs, 544 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1372 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs, 2877 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Properties\Resources.resx, 5612 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs, 1119 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Properties\Settings.settings, 249 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent.sln, 1063 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug\TempPE, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\.vs\grain boundary particles percent\v14, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Debug, 0 , 2019-03-14
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin\Release, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj\Debug, 0 , 2019-03-18
grain boundary particles percent\.vs\grain boundary particles percent, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\bin, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\obj, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent\Properties, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\.vs, 0 , 2018-12-26
grain boundary particles percent\grain boundary particles percent, 0 , 2019-07-10
grain boundary particles percent, 0 , 2018-12-26