说明: 本程序旨在计算在整个调节时段的初末水位已知的情况下(水位均为170米),从后往前计算出每个阶段的各个水位到最后阶段的最优发电效益,逐步向前递推找出最大年发电效益,从而找到最优化的路径放入到矩阵LJ中,本程序未考虑防洪限制。(The purpose of this procedure is to calculate the optimal power generation benefit for each stage from the rear to the final stage (the water level is 170m) in the case where the initial water level of the whole adjustment period is known (the water level is 170m), and the maximum annual power generation benefit can be found gradually forward. In order to find the optimized path into the matrix lj, the procedure does not take into account the flood control limitation.)