首页 » EasyLanguage易语言 » 防沉迷修改


于 2020-06-22 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 1


说明:  源码修改防沉迷,修改完后等一会上游戏后 需要等一下在上游戏 未成功可能是 服务期延迟(Need to wait a minute later. Failure in the game may be due to service delay.)


META-INF\MANIFEST.MF, 62648 , 2016-07-02
META-INF\CERT.SF, 62581 , 2016-07-02
META-INF\CERT.RSA, 1310 , 2016-07-02
AndroidManifest.xml, 6100 , 2016-07-02
assets\extra_conf1g.xml, 24 , 2016-07-02
assets\lib.so, 43704 , 2016-07-02
assets\res\extreme.png, 9948 , 2016-07-02
assets\res\information_96x96.png, 2441 , 2016-07-02
assets\yuv0.xml, 12 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\addClassPath.bsh, 658 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\bg.bsh, 488 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\bind.bsh, 209 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\browseClass.bsh, 1115 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\cat.bsh, 707 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\cd.bsh, 388 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\classBrowser.bsh, 1085 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\clear.bsh, 242 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\cp.bsh, 474 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\debug.bsh, 206 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\desktop.bsh, 5555 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\dirname.bsh, 837 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\editor.bsh, 1021 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\error.bsh, 224 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\eval.bsh, 1890 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\exec.bsh, 373 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\exit.bsh, 255 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\extend.bsh, 1012 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\fontMenu.bsh, 1990 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\frame.bsh, 1466 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\getBshPrompt.bsh, 532 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\getClass.bsh, 641 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\getClassPath.bsh, 325 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\getResource.bsh, 353 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\getSourceFileInfo.bsh, 1172 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\importCommands.bsh, 1051 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\importObject.bsh, 543 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\javap.bsh, 1734 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\load.bsh, 2297 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\makeWorkspace.bsh, 3367 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\mv.bsh, 228 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\object.bsh, 283 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\pathToFile.bsh, 289 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\print.bsh, 1500 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\printBanner.bsh, 867 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\pwd.bsh, 138 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\reloadClasses.bsh, 1113 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\rm.bsh, 353 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\run.bsh, 2176 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\save.bsh, 847 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\server.bsh, 441 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\setAccessibility.bsh, 190 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\setClassPath.bsh, 321 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\setFont.bsh, 655 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\setNameCompletion.bsh, 618 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\setNameSpace.bsh, 905 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\setStrictJava.bsh, 755 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\show.bsh, 309 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\source.bsh, 705 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\sourceRelative.bsh, 632 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\thinBorder.bsh, 2071 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\unset.bsh, 387 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\which.bsh, 1228 , 2016-07-02
bsh\commands\workspaceEditor.bsh, 3156 , 2016-07-02
bsh\servlet\error.template, 152 , 2016-07-02
bsh\servlet\getVersion.bsh, 515 , 2016-07-02
bsh\servlet\page.template, 595 , 2016-07-02
bsh\servlet\result.template, 223 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\awtconsole.html, 505 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\eye.jpg, 2127 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\icon.gif, 1018 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\jconsole.html, 1971 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\remote.html, 1226 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\script.gif, 332 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\small_bean_shell.gif, 1533 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\splash.gif, 7133 , 2016-07-02
bsh\util\lib\workspace.gif, 599 , 2016-07-02
classes.dex, 3999540 , 2016-07-02
lib\armeabi-v7a\libluajava.so, 137776 , 2016-07-02
lib\armeabi-v7a\libpl_droidsonroids_gif.so, 34480 , 2016-07-02
lib\armeabi-v7a\libygsiyu.so, 42176 , 2016-07-02
lib\x86\libluajava.so, 276988 , 2016-07-02
lib\x86\libpl_droidsonroids_gif.so, 42612 , 2016-07-02
lib\x86\libygsiyu.so, 58452 , 2016-07-02
res\anim-v21\design_bottom_sheet_slide_in.xml, 616 , 2016-07-02
res\anim-v21\design_bottom_sheet_slide_out.xml, 616 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_fade_in.xml, 388 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_fade_out.xml, 388 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_grow_fade_in_from_bottom.xml, 852 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_popup_enter.xml, 508 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_popup_exit.xml, 508 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_shrink_fade_out_from_bottom.xml, 852 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_slide_in_bottom.xml, 396 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_slide_in_top.xml, 396 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_slide_out_bottom.xml, 396 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\abc_slide_out_top.xml, 396 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\design_bottom_sheet_slide_in.xml, 616 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\design_bottom_sheet_slide_out.xml, 616 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\design_snackbar_in.xml, 312 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\design_snackbar_out.xml, 312 , 2016-07-02
res\anim\fade.xml, 388 , 2016-07-02



0 个回复

  • 1
    说明:  易语言画板进度条 非原创,,欢迎大家下载(Easy language Sketchpad progress bar)
    2014-11-03 17:35:00下载
  • QQ抓Ip
    说明:  不月个,八八仆川么么丿,个,八八个人的不发隔阂而1儿孙福时光隧道给人r646水电费儿(awdgrghtjhgeghtyhtjtyjythhttyhthth)
    2020-06-17 19:40:02下载
  • ab
    说明:  参考文献方面的资料,帮助其他人更好的怎样使用参考文献(Reference information, help others better how to use the reference)
    2015-11-28 13:30:28下载
  • E-registry-shows
    专门给易语言量身打造的注册表说明,里面讲解了易语言根类所对应的注册表中的根类是什么(For easy language tailored registry description)
    2014-01-10 13:55:53下载
  • 图片挑选另存
    初学者学习易语言,编写程序只是最基础交流用,以后会逐步上传更全功能的程序(Beginners learn Easy Language. Programming is only the most basic form of communication. They will gradually upload more fully functional programs.)
    2018-09-29 14:20:18下载
  • 征服登录器网关源码
    简洁版、登录器+网关。注册。修改账号等功能171zf免费征服发布网提供研究用(Concise version, logger + gateway. Registration. Modify the account number and other functions 171zf conquer publishing network to provide research.)
    2018-10-03 19:54:53下载
  • 5cWOqPZv
    自己写的一个奇迹源码登录器,源码的哦 梅花过了(Source code written by a miracle his registrar, oh plum over the source)
    2011-08-26 23:19:52下载
  • xydODCif
    自动刷多网站PV的一款小工具,希望大家喜欢(Automatic brush of a small multi-site PV tool, hope you like)
    2011-10-01 16:48:21下载
  • CSOLfuzhuyuanma
    CSOL白色辅助全功能源码,里面包含超多功能。直接编译就可以!(CSOL all-white secondary source, which contains super-versatile. Can be directly compiled!)
    2021-01-13 07:08:48下载
  • Postqq
    说明:  Post登录WebQQ之第2版 清除被误解的代码(Post Login WebQQ of 2 clear code has been misunderstood)
    2011-02-19 13:04:16下载
  • 696518资源总数
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  • 48今日下载