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于 2020-06-23 发布
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说明:  SQLite Table3.pas修正版,解决中文显示乱码,以及最后一字符乱码。delphi 里UTF8Encode和UTF8Decode两函数配合使用,例:获取sltb := slDb.GetTable(UTF8Encode(sSQL)); 显示字段sd.Cells[i + 1, sltb.Row + 1] :=UTF8Decode(sltb.FieldAsString(sltb.FieldIndex[sltb.Columns[i]]));(The revised version of SQLite Table 3. PAS solves the problem of Chinese display scrambling and last character scrambling. In delphi, UTF8Encode and UTF8Decode functions are used together, for example: get sltb: = slDb. GetTable (UTF8Encode (sSQL); display field sd. Cells [i + 1, sltb. Row + 1]: = UTF8Decode (sltb. Field String (sltb. Field Index [sltb. Columns [i]);)



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