说明: 太阳能水泵(亦称光伏水泵),是当今世界上阳光丰富地区,尤其是缺电无电的边远地区最具吸引力的供水方式,利用随处可取、取之不竭的太阳能,系统全自动地日出而作,日落而歇,无需人员看管,维护工作量可降至最低,是理想的集经济性、可靠性和环保效益为一体的绿色能源系统。(Solar energy pumps (also known as photovoltaic pumps) are the most attractive way of water supply in sunny areas in the world, especially in remote areas where there is no electricity or electricity. By using the available and inexhaustible solar energy, the system can be fully automatic sunrise, sunset and rest, without human supervision, and maintenance workload can be minimized. It is an ideal green energy system integrating economy, reliability and environmental benefits.)
sharma2017.pdf, 383672 , 2019-06-24
sreewirote2017.pdf, 530807 , 2019-06-24
saputra2018.pdf, 198998 , 2019-06-24