Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)
说明: The perfect texture mapping Algorithm example from scratch no DirectX, OpenGL etc ... This source code working fine but not optimized and contains many artless ideas because it specific to training the beginners and the students ...
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi), 0 , 2019-07-17
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\Readme.txt, 149 , 2019-07-17
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\T5.BMP, 17462 , 2016-12-21
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\T6.BMP, 17462 , 2016-12-21
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMap.dpr, 1087 , 2018-05-31
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMap.res, 876 , 2017-07-14
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMapMainUnit.dcu, 5034 , 2019-07-17
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMapMainUnit.dfm, 481 , 2019-07-17
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMapMainUnit.pas, 2042 , 2019-07-17
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMapUnit.dcu, 14911 , 2019-07-17
Qube TextureMapping from scratch(Delpi)\TMapUnit.pas, 19048 , 2019-07-17