基于Z源逆变器输入端不断变化,输出保持恒定的仿真模型(Based on the Z source inverter changing input and output of the simulation model to maintain a constant)
- 2020-09-13 15:38:00下载
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密码:1234-this process, the main mixing station These projects applications. Weight instrument procedures. More comprehensive, practical use. And achieved good results. Blackdisc5@sina.com Password : 1234
- 2023-04-06 12:45:06下载
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Java 克里金插值得到网格,计算的方式如何不同(How to get Java Kriging interpolation grid, different calculation methods)
- 2017-11-09 13:54:38下载
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上传的为imm交互多模型跟踪算法的源程序,希望和作目标跟踪的朋友多交流。(uploaded to imm interactive multi-model tracking algorithm of the source, and hopes for target tracking friends more exchanges.)
- 2006-06-08 09:03:03下载
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说明: 通过输入原图像、图像高和长缩放倍数,通过双线性插值获得目标图像,自己编写代码,直接可以运行。(By inputting the original image, image height and long zoom ratio, the target image is obtained by bilinear interpolation, and the code can be directly run.)
- 2020-07-07 15:57:33下载
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用VHDL设计CRC发生器和校验器,供初学者参考。-CRC generator and calibration device for advanced users.
- 2022-06-14 16:23:08下载
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利于MATLAB实现OFDM的发送和接收,具体过程发送端先通过QPSK调制,之后进行IFFT变换,然后再添加循环前缀,接收端是一个逆过程。该程序还有另外一个的功能是信道估计,最小乘与卡尔曼滤波器的比较。(MATLAB is helpful to realize the sending and receiving of OFDM. The sending end of the specific process is firstly modulated by QPSK, followed by IFFT transformation, and then cyclic prefix is added. The receiving end is an inverse process. Another function of the program is channel estimation, least - multiplication and kalman filter comparison.)
- 2021-02-28 14:09:36下载
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说明: 一套GNSS精密单点定位软件,支持GPS、伽利略、格洛纳斯、北斗系统。(A set of GNSS precise point positioning software, supporting GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and Beidou systems.)
- 2021-03-08 21:55:35下载
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通过在1-10000中随机选取一个整数,让玩家猜测。猜测中会提示玩家,所猜的数字偏大或偏小。(By selecting an integer randomly in 1-10000, let the player guess. In guessing, the player will be prompted. The number of guesses is larger or smaller.)
- 2018-01-20 17:20:34下载
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DE 430
JPL 数值星历, 可以计算太阳系行星和月球的位置(JPL ephemeris, which can be used for calculating the positions of planets of the solar system and the Moon)
- 2020-06-22 04:20:02下载
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