首页 » Altium » 数字对讲机


于 2020-06-25 发布
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说明:  STM32F103+SX1278+WM8974对讲机原理图, 代码(Speex based Lora WalkieTalkie)


DIY数字对讲机\AT1846S发射430.5MHz.out, 718516 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\AT1846S接收430.5MHz.out, 555568 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\DIY数字对讲机.pdf, 3207367 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\PCB2.PcbDoc, 3130002 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\readme.txt, 415 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\Sheet3.SchDoc, 1021440 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\STM32F103C8_SPEEX.rar, 12028212 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\SX1278双向测试434MHz.out, 758536 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机\功率测试430.5MHz(需加散热片).out, 718512 , 2019-05-07
DIY数字对讲机, 0 , 2019-05-08



0 个回复

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