说明: 第1章 赋予计算机学习数据的能力 1.1 构建智能机器将数据转化为知识 1.2 机器学习的三种不同方法 1.2.1 通过监督学习对未来事件进行预测 1.2.2 通过强化学习解决交互式问题 1.2.3 通过无监督学习发现数据本身潜在的结构 1.2.4 基本术语及符号介绍 1.3 构建机器学习系统的蓝图(Chapter 1 Enables Computers to Learn Data 1.1 Building Intelligent Machines to Transform Data into Knowledge 1.2 Three Different Methods of Machine Learning 1.2.1 Prediction of future events through supervised learning 1.2.2 Solving Interactive Problems through Reinforcement Learning 1.2.3 Discovering the Potential Structure of Data by Unsupervised Learning 1.2.4 Introduction of Basic Terminology and Symbols 1.3 Blueprint for Building Machine Learning System)
Python机器学习.pdf, 44180791 , 2019-04-28