首页 » Java » 全国市级边界shp高分辨率


于 2020-06-30 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 17


说明:  提供全国市级边界的shp高分辨率shp文件(21/5000 Provide SHP high resolution SHP files for national municipal boundaries)


全国市级边界shp高分辨率, 0 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\CN-shi-A.dbf, 2843482 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\CN-shi-A.prj, 437 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\CN-shi-A.sbn, 46764 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\CN-shi-A.sbx, 1580 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\CN-shi-A.shp, 53346880 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\CN-shi-A.shx, 39316 , 2019-05-15
全国市级边界shp高分辨率\新建文本文档.txt, 0 , 2019-05-15



0 个回复

  • javasip
    java开发sip的代理服务端代码,需要配合sip软电话使用(Java sip proxy server)
    2020-09-21 17:37:51下载
  • OOAD_1158827236
    在学习完JAVA基础后,做的一个小小的项目.一个简单的聊天程序.呵呵,看看吧,那时候才刚刚接触到DAO,哎,惊叹的是设计思想. 呵呵,如果你也刚刚学完JAVA基础,有对SWING,AWT比较喜欢的话,下看看吧.(learning END JAVA based, so a small item. A simple chat procedures. Ha ha. let's see it, then just access to DAO, hey, is the breathtaking design. Ha ha. If you just completion of Java based, right SWING, AWT prefer, then look at it under.)
    2007-03-09 09:31:24下载
  • a
    说明:  医院药品管理范例,基于消息监听框架 使用swing框架开发web后台服务(Hospital medicines management paradigm, based on the information to monitor the use of swing framework for the development of the framework of web services background)
    2008-04-02 14:19:42下载
  • spring-boot-with-activiti-master
    说明:  spring boot 工作流,采用spring boot的结构框架实现工作流的机制(Spring boot workflow, using spring boot structure framework to implement workflow mechanism)
    2020-06-24 17:00:02下载
  • Calculator-master
    The concrete implementation of the ANN algorithm, written by itself, may have some minor problems, but the overall problem should be small.
    2018-05-06 10:51:35下载
  • javachengxu2
    泛型是Java SE 1.5的新特性,泛型的本质是参数化类型,也就是说所操作的数据类型被指定为一个参数。这种参数类型可以用在类、接口和方法的创建中,分别称为泛型类、泛型接口、泛型方法。Java语言引入泛型的好处是安全简单。 (Generic is the Java SE 1.5 new features, the nature of generic type parameters, that is operated by the data type is designated as a parameter. This parameter type can be used in class, the creation of interfaces and methods of the respective category as generic, generic interfaces, generic approach. Java language advantages of the introduction of generic security simple.)
    2009-04-22 19:40:02下载
  • TestPolymoph
    这段代码是用来理解 polymorphism 多态,写的很详细,适合初学者!(This code is used to understand the polymorphism polymorphism, written in great detail, suitable for beginners!)
    2010-08-15 09:23:33下载
  • Thinking-in-java-
    Java编程思想第四版完整中文高清版(免费)(Java programming ideas fourth edition of the complete Chinese HD version (free))
    2013-12-26 14:05:51下载
  • test
    说明:  part1 (1)可以在“请输入文件路径和名称:”后面的文本框中输入文件名和路径。 (2)可以在文本区中写文本。 (3)可以在“请输入需要追加的内容:”后面的文本域中输入内容,按回车键之后,其中的内容会添加到文本区中(添加的内容另起一行)。 (4)单击“将文本区的内容写入文件”按钮,文本区中的内容就会被写到指定的文件中。 part2 (1)窗体的标题是“猜数字小游戏”。 (2)单击“得到一个随机数”按钮,系统会产生一个1~10之间的随机整数(使用Math类的方法random( ))。 (3)在“输入您的猜测:”后面的文本框中输入你要猜测的整数,之后单击“确定”按钮。 (4)对你猜测的整数,图形用户界面的最下面会有提示信息,没有猜的时候,显示“无反馈信息”,如果猜大了,显示“猜大了”,如果猜小了,显示“猜小了”,如果猜对了,显示“猜对了”。(其中,蓝色字体是JLabel类的对象调用方法setForeground(Color.blue)实现的。)(Java Simple Graphic Interface)
    2020-12-11 15:59:18下载
  • hqsjyyxx
    信息管理应用源码可以实现读取已安装应用的权限、清除应用的默认设置、清除缓存、把应用移动到SD卡、强行停止应用、卸载应用、读取应用版本、读取应用名、读取应用占用存储大小、读取安装时间、读取系统应用数、读取用户应用数等,其他功能块还有防止重复点击、应用静默安装(2.3.7测试无效)、Package manager has died错误分析。应用列表可以按名称、安装时间、应用大小、类型进行排序。项目编译版本4.0.3 编码UTF-8。(Information management application source code can achieve read application has been installed, authority, to remove the application default settings, clear the cache, the mobile apps to SD card, forced to stop the application, uninstall the application, read version of the application, read the name of the application, read by applying occupied memory size, read the installation time, reading system for a number of applications, read a number of user applications such as and other functional blocks and prevent repeat click, application of silent installation (2.3.7 test is invalid), the package manager has died of error analysis. Application list can be sorted by name, installation time, application size, type. Project compiled version 4.0.3 code UTF-8.)
    2016-06-27 19:22:25下载
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