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于 2019-05-10 发布
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说明:  matlab代码,轴承特征提取,包括rms、最大幅值、峰值因子、绝对平均值、平均值、峭度、脉冲因子、裕度因子、能量,小波包、经典模态分解等特征(Matlab code, bearing feature extraction, including rms, maximum amplitude, crest factor, absolute mean, mean, kurtosis, pulse factor, margin factor, energy, etc.)


轴承特征提取\compute_emd.m, 1914 , 2013-08-15
轴承特征提取\compute_timeseries.m, 1783 , 2013-08-07
轴承特征提取\compute_wpt.m, 4389 , 2013-08-02
轴承特征提取, 0 , 2019-05-10



0 个回复

  • fadianji
    发电机仿真模型,自己编写的,已经编译过很好用。(Generator simulation model, I have written, has compiled a very good use.)
    2011-10-06 23:06:29下载
  • wireless_communcation_home1
    使用鏡子鏡射的原理,也就是將接收點鏡射之後,求取傳送點與接收點的距 離,而因為公式(1)及公式(8),可知角度與距離有關係,可以使用這個公式來直 接代入公式(10)之中。(. The receiver is located at the center of a 50-m*50-m room and transmitter is moved along a straight from 2m to 20m from the receiver. Show the received power in decibels versus distance for the LOS path, and include all the first-, second-,third-order reflections. (Gt = Gr = 1.6, f = 1GHz, a =-0.7, Pt = 1W))
    2011-12-27 22:30:55下载
  • matlab1
    最短路径的计算,是我自己变得,比较适合建模用,希望对大家有用.(The shortest path calculation, is my own to become more suitable for modeling with the hope that be useful to everyone.)
    2009-12-24 22:32:40下载
  • OFDM-system
    OFDM receiver in Matlab. This can be used to detect and demodulate ofdm symbols.
    2012-05-09 20:49:48下载
  • quansousuo
    编写针对一个搜索点宏块比较的下面两个匹配函数:均方误差(MSE)、绝对值误差(MAD)。函数名直接使用简写。要求当前帧和参考帧的数据均采用二维数组表示。(Writing for a search point macroblock compare the following two matching functions: the mean square error (MSE), absolute error (MAD). The function name directly using shorthand. Requirements of the current frame and reference frame data are used two-dimensional array.)
    2012-06-11 11:28:01下载
  • shang
    周期图法谱估计需要对信号序列“截断”或加窗处理,其结果是使估计功率谱密度为信号序列真实谱和窗谱的卷积,导致误差的产生。本程序分别设计了周期图法,最大熵功率谱估计和Welch法以及它们的对比,最大熵功率谱估计目的是最大限度地保留截断后丢失的“窗口”以外信号的信息,使估计谱的熵最大。(Periodogram spectrum estimation signal sequence needs to " cut off" or add the window handle, the result is an estimated power spectral density of the signal sequence of the real spectrum and spectral convolution window, resulting in the generation of errors. The procedures were designed periodogram, maximum entropy power spectrum estimation and the Welch method and their comparison, the maximum entropy power spectrum estimation purpose is to maximize the retention of truncated after the loss of the " window" than the information signal, the entropy of the estimated spectrum maximum.)
    2011-09-14 10:27:34下载
  • Simulation-procedure
    Our project is to describe the Brownian Motion and Geometric Brownian Motion. This project is to simulate the price shock. Then we use Geometric Brownian motion to describe the movement of shocks’ price. The program is produced by Matlab.(Application of Ito’s Lemma to a Stock Price Process)
    2013-11-23 11:43:12下载
  • 观测器仿真
    说明:  实现多智能体状态观测器输出比例一致,动态方程已知,应用于电力系统(The output proportion of multi-agent state observer is consistent)
    2020-12-13 22:19:15下载
  • matlabrumen
    MATLAB入门介绍必看MATLAB入门介绍必看(MATLAB Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction MATLAB must-see must-see)
    2009-10-16 17:00:30下载
  • BCFCM_version_1
    this file is a imaging medical simulation to make quickly at your research on that field!enjoy
    2014-11-28 21:58:37下载
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