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于 2019-04-21 发布
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说明:  用于关闭Windows信使服务弹出窗口的小程序,使用Delphi6编写(Mini Programs, who closes the Windows Messenger Service pop-up window, written in Delphi6)


aCLOSEME.CFG, 386 , 2017-04-11
CLOSEME.EXE, 384512 , 2017-04-11
CLOSEME.RES, 4032 , 2017-04-11
closeme.~dpr, 230 , 2017-04-11
ICON, 0 , 2019-04-18
ICON\KONAN.ICO, 2998 , 2017-04-11
ICON\Thumbs.db, 4096 , 2017-04-11
OCLOSEME.DPR, 264 , 2017-04-11
THREAD.TXT, 575 , 2017-04-11
untclosew.dcu, 1606 , 2017-04-11
untclosew.pas, 696 , 2017-04-11
untclosew.~pas, 857 , 2017-04-11
UNTMAIN.DCU, 4796 , 2017-04-11
UNTMAIN.DDP, 51 , 2017-04-11
UNTMAIN.DFM, 8141 , 2017-04-11
UNTMAIN.PAS, 1455 , 2017-04-11
untmain.~ddp, 51 , 2017-04-11
untmain.~dfm, 1537 , 2017-04-11
untmain.~pas, 1455 , 2017-04-11
vCLOSEME.DOF, 1664 , 2017-04-11



0 个回复

  • superresolution_v_2.0
    实现了超分辨率重建的各种已存在的方法,包括,keren at el,等运动估计算法,也包含了四种比较常用的重建方法(Achieve super-resolution reconstruction of various existing methods, including, keren at el, and other motion estimation algorithms, also includes the reconstruction of four commonly used methods)
    2011-10-11 14:45:20下载
  • MaxDOS_71_g115
    本软件的用处在于给装好的 Win2K/XP/2003系统加入DOS入口,方便维护与备份还原系统. 2.支持进入DOS时设置密码,且密码采用MD5加密.纯绿色软件,不写引导区. (The usefulness of this software is to join the DOS system packed Win2K/XP/2003 entrance to facilitate maintenance and backup and restore the system. 2. To support access to DOS when you set a password, and password using MD5 encryption. Pure green software, do not write the boot sector.)
    2009-10-02 20:32:52下载
  • Day22
    是iphone开发的小例子,具有tabviewcontroller,可以切换页。具有查询网站功能,音乐播放功能,视频播放功能的实例代码(a small case used in iphone development, you can follow to learn to swith tab, audio play,movie play and so on)
    2012-01-16 11:34:23下载
    mac os x 系统安装需要的一些内核(mac os x system installation requires some of the core)
    2011-11-23 21:46:24下载
  • MIRtoolbox1.3.4
    一个音乐信息检索领域的工具包,支持例如节奏,音色,旋律,情感等多层音频特征的提取以及可视化(MIRtoolbox has been developed within the context of a Europeen Project called “Tuning the Brain for Music”, funded by the NEST (New and Emerging Science and Technology) program of the European Commission. The project, coordinated by Mari Tervaniemi from the Cognitive Brain Research Unit of the Department of Helsinki, is dedicated to the study of music and emotion, with collaboration between neurosciences, cognitive psychology and computer science.)
    2012-04-13 17:43:24下载
  • cnassicfbnutcases
    关于命令行使用的经典C代码,里面有很多案例(There are many cases about the classic C code used on the command line)
    2019-04-21 05:19:03下载
  • treug_
    triangular signal. source made with the help of mathcad. Decomposition of periodic signals in a Fourier series. Сonstruction of the signal spectrum.
    2010-12-08 19:13:09下载
  • AsyncUdpSocket-lcheng
    udp通讯聊天程序 支持组播,ios,支持objective-c(udp chat program to support multicast communication, ios,objective-c)
    2013-09-23 16:54:46下载
  • autocorr123.m
    本程序实现两个任何实值序列的自相关互相关运算(The program realization of two of any real value of autocorrelation in calculating)
    2010-06-08 09:34:22下载
  • ZYG002
    使用objetive C做的游戏开发例子,希望大家喜欢(To do with game development objetive C example, hope you like)
    2010-11-23 09:55:36下载
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