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于 2019-03-21 发布
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说明:  PMSM控制系统采用速度电流双闭环矢量控制调速系统,即控制系统中有速度调节器和电流调节器。(PMSM control system adopts speed and current double closed-loop vector control speed regulation system, that is, speed regulator and current regulator are included in the control system.)


PMSM.slx, 27711 , 2019-03-02



0 个回复

  • seismicwaveofshanghai
    上海人工波 需要地震波的朋友可以下来(Shanghai artificial seismic waves need friends can down)
    2021-02-22 15:39:42下载
  • Douglas-Peucker
    道格拉斯-普克算法 (Douglas– Peucker algorithm,亦称为拉默-道格拉斯-普克算法、迭代适应点算法、分裂与合并算法)是将曲线近似表示为一系列点,并减少点的数量的一种算法。它的优点是具有平移和旋转不变性,给定曲线与阈值后,抽样结果一定。(The Douglas - puke algorithm (Douglas - Peucker algorithm, also called the lamer - Douglas - puke algorithm, iterative adaptive point algorithm, split and merge algorithm) is an algorithm that approximatively represents a curve as a series of points and reduces the number of points. It has the advantages of translation and rotation invariance. After a given curve and threshold, the sampling result is certain.)
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  • mw
    说明:  用于面板数据平稳性问题(单位根)的MW检验(MW test for panel data stationarity (unit root))
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  • 电力系统潮流计算
    说明:  实现线性的电力系统潮流计算,分别为首端电压末端功率和末端电压末端功率,可实现一定精度的迭代计算(Power flow calculation in power system)
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  • ex_ori
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  • autohost
    一个非常优秀的自动建站程序,非常好用,安装好了就卡伊了(A very good automatic建站procedures, very easy to use, installed on the kayes)
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  • metting
    会议记录系统,使用C# + extjs + server(Conference recording system, the use of C#+ extjs+ server)
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  • USB-SERIALch340 串口驱动(ok)
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  • SARReturnWaveSignal
    基于FFT的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法. 大面积分布目标的合成孔径雷达(SAR)回波模拟需要大量的运算,文中提出了一种合成孔径雷达回波模拟的快速算法,算法利用时域插值和FFTl’来缩减运算量,对于大面积目标回波模拟时,该算法有很高的效率。文中详细分析sinc函数插值所带来的误差以及补偿方法,并在次基础上提出了一种利用增采样插值方法,该方法以增加少量运算为代价,使得模拟精度的大幅度提高。文中比较了传统方法和基于FFTl’的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法的模拟结果,证明了这种快速算法确实行之有效。(The simulation of distributed targets is very important to the design of synthetic aperture radar(SAR)sys- tems.Since the end product is SAR images,the echo of SAR signals needs to be simulated and then processed form SAR images,an d the parameters needs to be measured and the perform ance of the images should be,an d then evaluated.The designing parameters of SAR could be adjusted to meet the requirement of users before developing SAR systems,specially in space—bome SAR systems.Th e simulation data is also needed during the developing an d debugging of a space—borne SAR real—time processor.Another purpose of simulation is to supply a great deal of simulation imag es to train image usors of space—bo rne SAR before it launch.)
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