首页 » matlab » Min-sum_1


于 2019-03-08 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 11


说明:  ldpc最小和译码算法,能够有效完成译码(LDPC minimum sum decoding algorithm can effectively complete decoding)


Min-sum_1, 0 , 2019-03-08
Min-sum_1\BPSK.m, 555 , 2019-03-08
Min-sum_1\H.mat, 19004 , 2018-11-12
Min-sum_1\HRowNum.mat, 12439 , 2019-01-16
Min-sum_1\Hnew.mat, 32042 , 2018-12-19
Min-sum_1\L_ini.mat, 19982 , 2018-12-20
Min-sum_1\R_code.mat, 256 , 2019-03-01
Min-sum_1\decode.m, 2649 , 2019-03-08
Min-sum_1\disturb_code.mat, 269 , 2018-10-08
Min-sum_1\easyHard.m, 672 , 2018-12-18
Min-sum_1\hard_decision.m, 441 , 2019-03-08
Min-sum_1\ldpc222.mat, 557 , 2019-01-21
Min-sum_1\puy.mat, 877 , 2018-11-19
Min-sum_1\puy1.mat, 880 , 2018-11-19
Min-sum_1\puy1222.mat, 1107 , 2019-01-21
Min-sum_1\puy1new.mat, 1333 , 2018-12-27
Min-sum_1\puy1neww.mat, 1333 , 2019-01-08
Min-sum_1\puy1right.mat, 1068 , 2018-12-27
Min-sum_1\test.m, 908 , 2019-03-08



0 个回复

  • serialcommunication
    串口通信工具,简单实用支持多速录。串口通信工具,简单实用支持多速录。(serial communication)
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  • 波束形成
    波束形成算法是智能天线研究中最核心的内容。波束形成算法根据基于的对象不同可以分为基于方向估计的自适应算法,基于训练信号或者参考信号的方法和基于信号结构的波束形成方法;根据是否需要发射参考信号,分为非盲算法和盲算法。(The beamforming algorithm is the most important content in the research of smart antenna. Based on the beamforming algorithm according to the different objects can be divided into adaptive algorithm based on direction estimation method based on a training signal, or reference signal and signal beam forming method based on structure; according to whether to send the reference signal, divided into non blind algorithms and blind algorithms.)
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    通信系统中的多采样率信号处理,西安交通大学出版社,原文:弗雷德里克.J.哈里斯 等编著 (第一部分)(Communication system multirate signal processing, Xi an Jiaotong University Press, Original: Frederick. J. Harris, eds (Part I))
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