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于 2019-01-28 发布
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说明:  美赛 人员疏散模型 元胞自动机 美国大学生数学建模竞赛MATLAB示例程序(Evacuation Model Based on Cellular Automata)


chapter21模拟退火算法工具箱及应用.rar, 713 , 2012-04-30
chapter22蚁群算法的优化计算——旅行商问题(TSP)优化 .rar, 2690 , 2012-04-30
chapter23基于蚁群算法的二维路径规划算法.rar, 3155 , 2012-04-30
chapter24 基于蚁群算法的三维路径规划算法.rar, 5685 , 2012-04-30
chapter25有导师学习神经网络的回归拟合——基于近红外光谱的汽油辛烷值预测.rar, 173147 , 2012-04-30
chapter26.rar, 2955 , 2012-04-30
chapter27无导师学习神经网络的分类——矿井突水水源判别.rar, 2503 , 2012-04-30
chapter28支持向量机的分类——基于乳腺组织电阻抗特性的乳腺癌诊断 .rar, 8570 , 2012-04-30
chapter29支持向量机的回归拟合——混凝土抗压强度预测.rar, 4393 , 2012-04-30
chapter30极限学习机的回归拟合及分类.rar, 176221 , 2012-04-30
chapter1遗传算法工具箱.rar, 2171 , 2012-04-30
chapter2基于遗传算法和非线性规划的函数寻优算法 .rar, 26677 , 2012-04-30
chapter3基于遗传算法的BP神经网络优化算法 .rar, 4721 , 2012-04-30
chapter4sa_tsp.rar, 7260 , 2012-04-30
chapter5基于遗传算法的LQR控制器优化设计.rar, 94364 , 2012-04-30
chapter6遗传算法工具箱详解及应用 .rar, 628 , 2012-04-30
chapter7多种群遗传算法的函数优化算法.rar, 4128 , 2012-04-30
chapter8基于量子遗传算法的函数寻优算法 .rar, 3171 , 2012-04-30
chapter9基于遗传算法的多目标优化算法.rar, 705 , 2012-04-30
chapter10基于粒子群算法的多目标搜索算法.rar, 2577 , 2012-04-30
chapter11基于多层编码遗传算法的车间调度算法.rar, 10963 , 2012-04-30
chapter12免疫优化算法在物流配送中心选址中的应用 .rar, 28671 , 2012-04-30
chapter13粒子群优化算法的寻优算法.rar, 734874 , 2012-04-30
chapter14基于粒子群算法的PID控制器优化设计.rar, 144753 , 2012-04-30
chapter15基于混合粒子群算法的TSP搜索算法 .rar, 12427 , 2012-04-30
chapter16 基于动态粒子群算法的动态环境寻优算法.rar, 18584 , 2012-04-30
chapter17基于PSO工具箱的函数优化算法.rar, 32669 , 2012-04-30
chapter18鱼群算法函数寻优.rar, 7649 , 2012-04-30
chapter19基于模拟退火算法的TSP算法.rar, 5002 , 2012-04-30
chapter20基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法.rar, 11565 , 2012-04-30



0 个回复

  • 12
    说明:  图象压缩方面的论文pdf格式 可用于毕业设计方面的工作(Image compression pdf format papers for school design work)
    2010-05-26 20:36:43下载
  • xiaobofenxitezhengtiqu
    语音信号处理中,基于小波分析的特征提取的源程序,实现效果较好(Speech signal processing, feature extraction based on wavelet analysis source to achieve better)
    2013-04-28 23:20:32下载
  • 10568436_400440276779902_115819654_n
    this brogram to sum to number and show the result to the user
    2015-01-03 10:46:50下载
  • matlab_slowfeature
    SFA算法的matlab实现,不是使用工具箱的那种,纯编程,望支持(The algorithm of SFA, not use the tool box function, use laugage of matlab.)
    2021-02-07 10:39:55下载
  • matlab
    MATLAB 程式设计与应用,有很多用途的示例,及对接口都有详细的说明()
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  • MATLABcase2660
    2008-05-08 11:57:11下载
  • matlab_help
    这是一本很少见的中文matlab帮助手册,特别对于点运算等入门级知识进行了详解,大家共享吧!(This is a very rare Chinese matlab help manual, particularly for entry-level point of computing, such as the detailed knowledge, share it!)
    2008-06-02 14:00:35下载
  • composite
    PESQ measure: ------------- Usage of the PESQ objective measure is as follows: [pesq_mos]=pesq(cleanfile.wav,enhanced.wav) where cleanfile.wav contains the clean speech file and enhanced.wav contains the enhanced file.
    2010-03-07 05:11:06下载
  • jade
    利用MATLAB实现的两个语音的盲信号分离(BSS)~非常有用(MATLAB implementation of the two voice Blind signal separation (BSS) ~ very useful)
    2020-11-04 22:29:53下载
  • Plp_solve_550l
    整形规划-数值计算 Matlab 工具,可以用于科学计算,效果堪比 CPLEX-Plastic Planning - Matlab numericcal tools can be used for scientific computing, the effect of rivals CPLEX (Shaping planning- numerical Matlab tools can be used for scientific computing, the effect is comparable to the CPLEX-Plastic Planning- Matlab numericcal tools can be used for scientific computing Industries Integrated Service, and the effect of rivals CPLEX)
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