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于 2020-10-09 发布
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说明:  FAMAfrench1992的程序代码,论文的实现,仅供参考(FAMAfrench 1992 program code, the realization of the paper, for reference only)


代码.sas, 34823 , 2014-11-28



0 个回复

  • 海龟交易 turtle channel system
    遵守海龟交易系统,供交易测试学习使用,用于真实交易后果自负(turtle channel system)
    2020-06-20 06:40:02下载
  • MACD
    MACD指标王,喜欢可以下载,配合均线使用,很不错的。(MACD indicator king, like to download, with the use of the average line, very good.)
    2020-06-17 05:20:01下载
  • momods_macd_martin_eu_h1_ea1.01
    一款老外制作的ea(自动交易) 用于mt4软件 该ea使用殃策略(mt4 ea)
    2020-06-30 23:40:02下载
  • jianpanjinglin
    模仿飞狐分析师的键盘精灵,实现快捷查询单个股票信息。(Fox analyst fly to imitate the keyboard wizard, to achieve fast query individual stock information.)
    2009-07-04 08:04:52下载
  • Pupil-energy-column
    通达信指标,能看到多空能量的变化,当看到能量和价格明显背离时,就可以高卖低买,首先说明此指标中含有未来函数,但其实此指标的确是可以很明了的看到多空双方的能量变化。(Mastery letter indicators can see changes in long and short of energy, when you see the price of energy and a clear departure from the time, you can buy low and sell high, the first description of this index contains the next function, but in fact, this indicator can indeed be very clear to see long and short sides of the energy change.)
    2013-12-06 15:02:48下载
  • MT4-CTP
    MT4-CTP接口,期货行情连接MT4,把CTP实时行情导入MT4,把CTP速度快的优点与MT4分析功能强大的优点结合起来。(The MT4-CTP interface, Futures Quotes connection MT4, real-time quotes of CTP import MT4, combining the advantages of the advantages of fast CTP, and MT4 analysis powerful.)
    2013-04-11 13:32:37下载
  • blessing3.9.6
    说明:  Blessing_3_v3_9_6稳定盈利set,仅限AUDNZD货币对,周期M1。 使用本压缩包内的SET,LAF默认是15,根据历史测试来看具有较大的风险,需要手动规避数据。 合理设置为LAF=8,请自行设置和调试,找到自己合适的风险值。(This is an EA developed by JTAToday. It is one of the stable EA around. most difficult thing with this EA is set files. I have developed few set files for EURUSD, GBPUSD, XAUUSD. All of them perform well. Good stable returns for anyone who is looking for such. Caution: Use it according to your own risk appetite. Test it well. Also maintain proper Account Balance. Do not use it on small account balances. You can use ex4 version. mq4 is uploaded, for anyone who wants to modify. Not sure why one would want to do that.)
    2020-06-20 20:40:01下载
  • Currency
    外汇源码,供大家学习参考。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Source of foreign exchange, consult for everybody to learn)
    2017-11-03 19:03:00下载
  • gerenlicai-
    关于过内外商业银行个人理财业务的对比分析(Comparative analysis on over commercial banks inside and outside of Personal Financial Services)
    2012-11-30 22:49:51下载
  • Dolly交易
    Dolly买卖规则: 货币对:任何货币对 买:buysotp 1. GMACD——主趋势H4和大趋势D1一致,为绿色且向上。 2. 顾比线——蓝色线在红色线上方。 3. 下买单: 3.1即时成交单:价格在蓝色区域/买入1,买入 3.1挂单交易单:价格:买入1,止赢:+20,止损:-40. 卖:sellsotp1. GMACD——主趋势H4和大趋势D1一致,为红色且向下。 2. 顾比线——蓝色线在红色线下方。 3. 下买单: 3.1即时成交单:价格在红色区域/卖出1,卖出 3.1挂单交易单:卖出1,止赢:-20,止损:+40            Dolly 0%&100%斐波那契线货币对:任何货币对(使用前先设置斐波那契线是否正确)这个技巧可以带为挂单交易单带来99.9%的成绩和非常低的风险(北京时间早上8点开始挂单)。 买:buysotp 1. 挂止损买入:斐波那100% + 2点+点差 2. 设置止赢:5-10点或0.000 (使用跟踪止损效果更好) 3. 设置止损:100%价格- 20-30 点(The Dolly trading system is easy to use and very comprehensive. This works best on a 15 or 30-minute timeframe. This is applicable to any currency pairs. Dolly Forex Trading System provides an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye. Based on this information, traders can assume further price movement and adjust this system accordingly.)
    2020-06-20 21:20:02下载
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