说明: cop2000实现无符号数乘法——两个8位无符号数相乘,所乘结果是16位,采用原码一位乘,在计算时,用乘数寄存器的最低位来控制部分积是否与被乘数相加,然后右移部分积和乘数,同时乘数寄存器接收部分积右移出来的一位,完成运算后,部分积寄存器保存乘积的高位部分,乘数寄存器中保存乘积的低位部分。(Cop2000 implements unsigned number multiplication-multiplication of two 8-bit unsigned numbers. The multiplied result is 16 bits. When calculating, the lowest bit of multiplier register is used to control whether or not the partial product is added to the multiplier, and then the partial product and multiplier are moved right. At the same time, the multiplier register receives the right-shifted bit of the partial product. After completing the operation, the partial product register saves the product. The higher part, the lower part of the product is saved in the multiplier register.)
新建文件夹 (2)\8X8.ASM, 488 , 2019-01-09
新建文件夹 (2)\COP2000的定点无符号数乘法的实现.doc, 295899 , 2019-01-09