说明: 通过并行压缩进行二维信号压缩,提出了一种利用并行压缩传感技术对二维信号进行压缩的新方案。根据这个原理,译码器的重新构造可以并行进行。通过对二维信号进行某些排列,可以确保所有列具有大致相同的密度级别,并且可以使用相同的测量矩阵进行采样。这样可以避免二维信号的矢量化,从而大大减小测量矩阵的尺寸。我们证明,如果排列良好,重建均方误差的上限会更紧。为了说明这一方案,我们将其应用于视频压缩并使用不同帧的排列有两种:参考帧的基于Z字形扫描的排列和非参考帧的基于块测试的排列。仿真结果表明,在相同的压缩比下,峰值信噪比比比在无置换情况下可提高3-7db左右。(we propose a new scheme to compress 2D signals using parallel compressed sensing. According to this seheme, the reeonstruction at the decoder can be performed in parallel. By performing certain permutation on a 2D signal, all columns are insured to have approximately the same density level and can be sampled using the same measurement matrix. In this way, vectorization of a 2D signal can be avoided, and thus the size of the measurement matrix can be dramatically reduced. We prove that with a good permutation, we can have a tighter upper bound on reconstruction mean square error. To illustrate this scheme, we apply it to video compression and use two kinds of permutations for different frames: the zigzag-scanbased permutation for reference frames and the block-test-based permutation for non-reference frames. Simulation results show that under the same compression ratio, the peak signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by approximately 3-7 dB compared to the case without permutation.)
Tools, 0 , 2013-04-06
Tools\l1magic, 0 , 2013-04-06
Tools\l1magic\cgsolve.m, 1693 , 2008-01-15
Tools\l1magic\l1eq_pd.m, 6079 , 2013-04-02
Tools\l1magic\l1qc_logbarrier.m, 3536 , 2011-04-26
Tools\l1magic\l1qc_newton.m, 4427 , 2013-03-28
Tools\l1magic\README.txt, 101 , 2013-04-06
Tools\psnr.m, 236 , 2006-08-08
Tools\YUV, 0 , 2013-04-06
Tools\YUV\CHANGES, 2070 , 2007-11-21
Tools\YUV\GPL, 15145 , 2003-05-23
Tools\YUV\LICENSE, 796 , 2007-11-21
Tools\YUV\yuv2rgb.m, 2839 , 2012-01-23
Tools\YUV\yuv_export.m, 1002 , 2012-01-23
Tools\YUV\yuv_import.m, 2091 , 2012-01-23
Tools\ZIGZAG_PERM, 0 , 2013-04-06
Tools\ZIGZAG_PERM\invperm_zigzag.m, 369 , 2013-04-06
Tools\ZIGZAG_PERM\perm_zigzag.m, 382 , 2013-04-06
Tools\ZIGZAG_SCAN, 0 , 2013-04-06
Tools\ZIGZAG_SCAN\invzigzag.m, 2717 , 2010-03-22
Tools\ZIGZAG_SCAN\license.txt, 1338 , 2010-03-24
Tools\ZIGZAG_SCAN\zigzag.m, 2350 , 2010-03-22
video compression, 0 , 2013-09-21
video compression\Data, 0 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Data\akiyo_qcif_noperm.mat, 460 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Data\akiyo_qcif_zigzagperm.mat, 461 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Data\coastguard_qcif_noperm.mat, 464 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Data\coastguard_qcif_zigzagperm.mat, 465 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Data\foreman_qcif_noperm.mat, 463 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Data\foreman_qcif_zigzagperm.mat, 464 , 2013-09-13
video compression\demo_video_parallel_cs.m, 2305 , 2013-04-06
video compression\Measurements, 0 , 2013-09-13
video compression\Measurements\RandomStates.mat, 543 , 2013-09-13
video compression\parallel_cs.m, 1909 , 2013-04-06
video compression\plot_fig_nonref.m, 1428 , 2013-04-06
video compression\plot_fig_ref.m, 1405 , 2013-04-06
video compression\README.txt, 2593 , 2013-04-06
video compression\script_demo_video_parallel_cs_0.m, 653 , 2013-04-06
video compression\script_demo_video_parallel_cs_1.m, 727 , 2013-04-06
video compression comparison, 0 , 2013-04-06
video compression comparison\cs_sbhe_iter=200.mat, 2417450 , 2013-04-04
video compression comparison\demo_recon_time_cs_sbhe.m, 4106 , 2013-04-06
video compression comparison\demo_recon_time_pcs.m, 2759 , 2013-04-06
video compression comparison\pcs_iter=200.mat, 1326727 , 2013-04-04
video compression comparison\README.txt, 2364 , 2013-04-06
video compression comparison\sensing_mtx.m, 983 , 2013-04-06
video compression comparison\sensing_mtx_trans.m, 1068 , 2013-04-06
README.txt, 2032 , 2013-09-21
block cs comparison, 0 , 2013-09-13
block cs comparison\ex_bcs_brec.m, 1206 , 2013-09-13
block cs comparison\ex_bcs_spl_dct.m, 1141 , 2013-09-13
block cs comparison\lena_bcs_brec.mat, 1358464 , 2013-08-04
block cs comparison\lena_bcs_spl.mat, 1049191 , 2013-08-05
block cs comparison\lena_pcs_zperm.mat, 5599154 , 2013-08-04
empirical performance, 0 , 2013-09-10
empirical performance\ex1.eps, 12526 , 2013-08-22
empirical performance\ex1.fig, 13070 , 2013-08-22
empirical performance\ex1.m, 4292 , 2013-08-22
empirical performance\ex1.mat, 2504236 , 2013-07-30
image compression, 0 , 2013-09-13
image compression\Data, 0 , 2013-05-30
image compression\Data\boat.512.tiff_noperm.mat, 341 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\boat.512.tiff_zigzagperm.mat, 341 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\cameraman.tif_noperm.mat, 340 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\cameraman.tif_zigzagperm.mat, 340 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\Lena.tiff_noperm.mat, 336 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\Lena.tiff_zigzagperm.mat, 336 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\Mandrill.tiff_noperm.mat, 337 , 2013-05-30
image compression\Data\Mandrill.tiff_zigzagperm.mat, 294 , 2013-05-31
image compression\Data\Peppers.tiff_noperm.mat, 340 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\Peppers.tiff_zigzagperm.mat, 340 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Data\psnr.fig, 12556 , 2012-11-11
image compression\demo_parallel_cs_no_perm.asv, 915 , 2013-05-31
image compression\demo_parallel_cs_no_perm.m, 990 , 2013-08-07
image compression\demo_parallel_cs_zigzag_perm.asv, 940 , 2013-08-04
image compression\demo_parallel_cs_zigzag_perm.m, 1051 , 2013-08-12
image compression\Measurements, 0 , 2013-04-06
image compression\Measurements\RandomStates.mat, 543 , 2012-01-26
image compression\parallel_cs_no_perm.m, 775 , 2013-03-28
image compression\parallel_cs_zigzag_perm.m, 888 , 2012-12-06
image compression\plot_psnr.m, 1398 , 2013-05-16
image compression\README.txt, 2296 , 2013-04-06
inf_norm_change, 0 , 2013-05-29
inf_norm_change\demo.m, 863 , 2013-05-29
layer_model, 0 , 2013-04-06
layer_model\layer_model.m, 1448 , 2013-04-06
layer_model\layer_model_boat.fig, 8365 , 2012-11-13
layer_model\layer_model_cameraman.fig, 8214 , 2012-08-10
layer_model\layer_model_lena.fig, 8411 , 2012-08-10
layer_model\layer_model_pepper.fig, 8338 , 2012-08-10
lb_zperm, 0 , 2013-04-06
lb_zperm\it_sum.m, 333 , 2013-04-06
lb_zperm\layer_lb.m, 804 , 2013-04-06
lb_zperm\plot_lb.m, 1498 , 2013-04-06
lb_zperm\r0=0_r1=1.fig, 12550 , 2012-11-23
lb_zperm\r0=0_r1=2.fig, 12680 , 2012-11-23
lb_zperm\r0=3_r1=5.fig, 14221 , 2012-11-23
ParallelCS, 0 , 2013-09-21
ParallelCS\parallel_cs_decoder.m, 1142 , 2013-04-06
ParallelCS\parallel_cs_decoder_l1magic.m, 1117 , 2013-04-06