首页 » matlab » 互相关求时延差


于 2020-08-17 发布
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说明:  利用互相关求解时延差,入门程序,仅供参考(Using cross-correlation to solve delay difference, introductory procedure, for reference only)


互相关求时延差\Untitled2.m, 1551 , 2010-02-25
互相关求时延差, 0 , 2019-01-12
互相关求时延差\delay.m, 586 , 2018-12-09
互相关求时延差\Untitled2 (2).m, 508 , 2013-09-24



0 个回复

  • girth6_shifter
    Flexible construction of girth-six QC-LDPC Codes(The program constructs girth-six QC-LDPC codes given row-weight,k, column-weight,j, and sub-matrix size,m. The obtained parity-check matrix is stored in H. The construction has flexibility in that j,k and m can be varied.The program achieves girth-six by applying the row-column constraint. There are m rows in j submatrices. No two rows should share the same column more than once. This constraint is applied to avoid 4-cycles. The construction has flexibility in that j,k and m can be varied.)
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    这是一个探月卫星的控制系统,通过仿真研究了其稳定性和其他相关问题。(This is a lunar satellite control system, its stability through simulation studies and other related issues.)
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  • Backscattering
    MAT(rix) LAB(oratory) predstavlja snaž an softverski paket koji je i programski jezik visokog nivoa i raèunarski vizuelizacioni alat. Program je prvobitno bio napisan kako bi se obezbjedio lak pristup softveru za rad sa matricama razvijenom u okviru projekata LINPACK i EISPACK u Argonne National Labs. Tokom godina evoluirao je u standardni alat za numerièka izraèunavanja na univerzitetima š irom sveta i u razvojnim odeljenjima u industriji. Trenutno je aktuelna verzija 5.3.1, a postoje realizacije za viš e hardverskih platformi. MATLAB sadrž i i niz specijalizovanih alata u obliku tzv. skript datoteka (M-datoteke) koje proš iruju njegove moguã nosti u odreeenim klasama problema kao š to su digitalna obrada signala, automatsko upravljanje, modeliranje i simulacija sistema, neuralne mrež e, fazi logika, parcijalne diferencijalne jednaèine itd.
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