图形的透视演示,两个圆,外面一个镂空,投射里面一个圆。(Presentation graphics perspective, the two round, outside a stencil, projection inside a circle.)
- 2008-01-07 19:09:49下载
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第一章 误差与范数 第二章 非线性方程(组)的数值解法 第三章 解线性方程组的直接方法第四章 解线性方程组的迭代法第五章 矩阵的特征值与特征向量的计算(Chapter norm error and the second chapter of nonlinear equations (Group) Chapter III of the numerical solution of linear equations solution methods of Chapter IV of the direct solution of linear equations Chapter V of the Code of iterative eigenvalue matrix and the characteristics of Vector Calculation)
- 2009-07-02 10:38:43下载
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基于MATLAB的电力系统潮流计算程序设计的5节点极坐标牛顿-拉夫逊法潮流计算(5-node design based on MATLAB power flow calculation program polar coordinates Newton- Raphson power flow calculation)
- 2013-04-21 11:34:30下载
- 积分:1
image file will rotate and give you translational matrix
- 2013-12-05 11:32:08下载
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汽车开放式架构Autosar 中的诊断通信模块的调试笔记。(The doc is the debug note for the Dcm moude in the AUTOSAR .)
- 2014-08-12 17:30:43下载
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本函数用于面板空间滞后模型SAR及空间误差SEM模型的LM检验,提供稳健统计值。( Computes (robust) LM tests for spatial lag and spatial error)
- 2015-01-22 21:49:05下载
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A new Particle Swarm Toolbox
(A New Particle Swarm Toolbox
- 2013-05-12 22:43:43下载
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Audio Systems Toolbox
基于麦克风阵列的声源定位方法很多,相位变换加权的可控响应功率SRP-PHAT声源定位算法在混响环境中有较强的鲁棒性,可实现真实环境中的声源定位,因此该算法得到了广泛应用。SRP-PHAT对阵型没有特定要求,因此也适用于分布式阵列,事实上很多基于分布式阵列的定位系统采用了该算法。(This function creates an acoustic image from a set of microphone array signals using a steered response power (SRP algorithm).This particular version uses only integer shifts on the input signals for the delay and sum operation, and computes the coherent average power (rather than total average power), which does not include the power terms for each individual microphone signal. So the coherent power is effectively the cross-correlation between different microphone signals without the self power terms, and can therefore be negative.)
- 2018-12-10 22:45:48下载
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说明: VMD算法,VMD是一种新的自适应信号处理方法,对非平稳、非线性信号具有良好处理效果(VMD algorithm, VMD is a new adaptive signal processing method, which has good processing effect on non-stationary and non-linear signals)
- 2020-06-23 14:19:03下载
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a new impulse noise removal code....
- 2014-09-11 22:09:43下载
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