一个简单的数据挖掘程序,有贝叶斯方法和bp算法,还有决策数的简单实现,(A simple data mining program, there are Bayesian methods and bp algorithm, and the simple implementation of decision numbers,)
ReadMe.txt, 4263 , 2005-12-03
credit\~$说明.doc, 162 , 2005-12-04
credit\说明.doc, 29696 , 2005-11-29
credit\data.txt, 12617 , 2005-12-04
result.txt, 14 , 2005-12-07
credit\shuju.txt, 12617 , 2002-12-18
credit\source.txt, 39884 , 2005-11-22
5beyes.h, 1401 , 2005-12-04
bp.h, 16617 , 2005-12-03
CreditCardDlg.h, 1554 , 2005-12-07
d_tree.h, 1348 , 2005-12-07
DBpParamater.h, 1249 , 2005-12-05
MainFrm.h, 1497 , 2005-12-07
pretreat.h, 5152 , 2005-12-07
resource.h, 2659 , 2005-12-07
StdAfx.h, 1054 , 2005-12-03
visa.h, 2730 , 2005-12-07
visaDoc.h, 1453 , 2005-12-03
visaView.h, 1859 , 2005-12-03
2beyes.cpp, 7205 , 2005-12-07
8bp.cpp, 975 , 2005-12-03
CreditCardDlg.cpp, 6978 , 2005-12-07
d_tree.cpp, 4666 , 2005-12-07
DBpParamater.cpp, 1150 , 2005-12-05
MainFrm.cpp, 2840 , 2005-12-07
StdAfx.cpp, 206 , 2005-12-03
visa.cpp, 4067 , 2005-12-07
visaDoc.cpp, 1702 , 2005-12-03
visaView.cpp, 2519 , 2005-12-03
res\Toolbar.bmp, 1078 , 2005-12-03
num, 12 , 2005-12-07
visa.aps, 50068 , 2005-12-07
visa.clw, 5579 , 2005-12-07
whi.dat, 440 , 2005-12-07
win.dat, 1232 , 2005-12-07
visa.dsp, 4819 , 2005-12-07
visa.dsw, 531 , 2005-12-03
res\visa.ico, 1078 , 2005-12-03
res\visaDoc.ico, 1078 , 2005-12-03
visa.ncb, 181248 , 2005-12-07
visa.opt, 59904 , 2005-12-07
visa.plg, 1550 , 2005-12-07
visa.rc, 20044 , 2005-12-07
res\visa.rc2, 396 , 2005-12-03
credit, 0 , 2018-11-08
res, 0 , 2018-11-08