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于 2018-11-27 发布 文件大小:30KB
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  windows下创建process的程序,对代码说一声good(The procedure that creates process under windows, say to code good)



0 个回复

  • multiview_for_doc3_demo
    说明:  动态实现多视图,作者好象是印度的,从国外站点下载的代码,并且每个视图有具体的view类进行支撑,可用于多场景显示(Realize the dynamic multi-view, the author seems to be in India from the foreign site to download the code, and view each specific type of view to support, can be used for multi-scene display)
    2008-10-01 10:34:24下载
  • Delaunay
    三维重建中散乱点云数据的常用网格生成算法delaunay三角网格生成算法(delaunay triangular mesh generation algorithm)
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  • AVR_ISP_programer
    c code for avr group
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  • AHP_VB
    层次分析法(AHP)的VB实现(Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in VB.)
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  • CRegKey
    处理Register项的类 (The class for dealing with register item)
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  • ENG3D
    说明:  基于D3D9.0 SDK 尝试制作的3D demo ./DXD3D 简易的D3D 引擎,封装了部分常用工具类,比如蒙皮动画和静态骨骼等等 ./res 资源 ./Textures 资源 ./bin 编译后的程序,以及必须的dll和资源,资源同上级目录,可直接运行(可能需DX9.0 runtime)(D3D9.0 SDK-based production of 3D demo ./DXD3D Simple D3D engine, include some of the common util classes, such as skinned mesh and static mesh, etc. ./res Resources. . ./Textures Resources. ./Bin compiled program, and necessary dll and resources, the resources are the same as what exists in the parent directory. It can be run directly. (DX9.0 runtime maybe necessary))
    2010-04-05 15:10:03下载
  • Baidu
    用VS编写的一个百度杀毒的界面,采用了贴图的方式,没有使用皮肤(A written in VS baidu antivirus interface, with the method of the map, don t use the skin )
    2014-05-26 22:16:36下载
  • PL0-The-compiler
    一、完成的实验内容及说明 基本内容 (1)扩充赋值运算:+ 和 - (2)扩充语句 REPEAT <语句序列> DOWHILE <条件> 其中,<条件>是循环条件,即条件成立时,重复执行循环体的< 语句序列> 选做内容 (1)增加运算:++ 和 。 (2)增加类型:① 字符类型; ② 实数类型。 (3)扩充函数:① 有返回值和返回语句;② 有参数函数。 (4)增加一维数组类型 (A, the experiment content and complete The basic content Operation: (1) expand the assignment+ and (2) REPEAT expansion statements < > statement sequence Conditions of DOWHILE < > Among them, the conditions of < > is loop condition, namely conditions founded, repeat the loop body < > statement sequence Choose to do content (1) operation:++ and . (2) types: (1) character types (2) real types. (3) the expansion of function: (1) has a return value and return statement (2) a parameter function. (4) increase a one-dimensional array type)
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    Source code to book Tricks of the Windows game programming gurus
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