基于声纳信息的粒子滤波算法,可以利用声纳信息和不完全环境信息通过该算法完成机器人的自定位过程,本例是在原有基础上的改进,(Particle filter algorithm based on sonar information can use sonar information and incomplete environment information to complete the self-localization process of robot. This example is an improvement on the original basis.)
hs_err_pid1496.log, 14482 , 2007-10-08
hs_err_pid3024.log, 14554 , 2007-10-08
error.bmp, 236278 , 2007-10-15
init_oneparticle.asv, 4533 , 2007-10-10
Init_particles.asv, 518 , 2007-10-11
Init_RobotSonar.asv, 4724 , 2007-10-04
main.asv, 565 , 2007-10-15
Orientat.asv, 3588 , 2007-10-20
Orientat_IsEnd.asv, 736 , 2007-10-24
plot_Robot_Particle.asv, 1922 , 2007-10-16
ReSample_paricles.asv, 1763 , 2007-10-11
RobotgetRange.asv, 4663 , 2007-10-11
test.asv, 502 , 2007-10-10
updata_particles.asv, 1043 , 2007-10-11
updata_particleValue.asv, 961 , 2007-10-11
zangle_ok.asv, 762 , 2007-10-06
untitled.fig, 5374 , 2007-10-24
5angle_ok.m, 759 , 2007-10-08
forsee_RobotPosition.m, 662 , 2007-10-11
init_oneparticle.m, 4465 , 2007-10-11
Init_particles.m, 965 , 2007-10-15
Init_RobotSonar.m, 4647 , 2007-10-11
Init_RobottestSonar.m, 5043 , 2007-10-11
main.m, 570 , 2007-10-24
Orientat.m, 2070 , 2007-10-20
Orientat_IsEnd.m, 737 , 2007-10-24
plot_Robot_Particle.m, 2158 , 2007-10-24
ReSample_paricles.m, 1768 , 2007-10-11
RobotgetRange.m, 4569 , 2007-10-11
test.m, 661 , 2007-10-11
updata_particles.m, 1041 , 2007-10-11
updata_particleValue.m, 958 , 2007-10-11
VDistance_pointTopoint.m, 158 , 2007-09-29
error.mat, 192 , 2007-10-08
error1.mat, 178 , 2007-10-10
lastTh.mat, 183 , 2007-10-10
lastx.mat, 182 , 2007-10-10
lasty.mat, 182 , 2007-10-10
num.mat, 174 , 2007-10-10
p.mat, 4591 , 2007-10-10
Robot.mat, 207 , 2007-10-10
Robottest.mat, 264 , 2007-10-10
process0.jpg, 10070 , 2007-10-24