此为人工智能中的简单遗传算法的实现,使用的开发工具为c#(This is the implementation of simple genetic algorithm in artificial intelligence. The development tool used is c#)
obj\GATest.csproj.FileList.txt, 264 , 2007-12-02
obj\GATest.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt, 344 , 2007-12-07
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, 1220 , 2007-12-02
FormMain.cs, 2854 , 2007-12-02
FormMain.Designer.cs, 8228 , 2007-12-02
GeneticAlgorithm.cs, 12143 , 2007-12-07
Program.cs, 468 , 2007-11-30
Properties\Resources.Designer.cs, 2867 , 2007-11-30
Properties\Settings.Designer.cs, 1090 , 2007-11-30
GATest.csproj, 3445 , 2007-12-01
png-0002.ico, 4286 , 2007-10-23
FormMain.resx, 5814 , 2007-12-02
Properties\Resources.resx, 5612 , 2007-11-30
Properties\Settings.settings, 249 , 2007-11-30
GATest.sln, 900 , 2007-11-30
GATest.suo, 12800 , 2007-12-07
Nbin\Debug, 0 , 2007-12-03
obj\Debug, 0 , 2007-12-07
Nbin, 0 , 2018-11-08
obj, 0 , 2018-11-08
Properties, 0 , 2018-11-08