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于 2018-11-12 发布 文件大小:486KB
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  数据挖掘讲义第六章聚类分析,PDF文件大小约520K(Data mining handout Chapter 6 clustering analysis, PDF file size is about 520K)



0 个回复

  • newmark
    时间积分算法在有限元动力学中的应用,可以计算结构的瞬态响应(This class implements a Newmark beta-gamma predictor-corrector time inte- gration scheme, with accelerations as primary unknowns. .A Newmark scheme assigns to the dofs the following 5 unknowns : - the displacement d and its predictor D - the velocity v and its predictor V - the acceletion a . Their expressions are calculated by the dofs in class Dof.)
    2013-07-13 13:30:09下载
  • math
    this document contain some demonstrations in mathematics , it can bee very helpful for beginners
    2013-01-26 18:45:06下载
  • 高斯拟合
    曲线的高斯拟合,去除趋势性,对于一般非平稳序列的分析.(Gaussian curve fitting and removal of the trend, and for most non-stationary sequence analysis.)
    2005-04-01 09:55:30下载
  • 法图解
    说明:  算法知识讲解,是一本不错的算法入门级教材的pdf版本(This is a good introduction to algorithm)
    2020-03-13 18:37:49下载
  • pyVMD_any
    变分模态分解的python版本,个人根据MATLAB版本译制而成(Python version of variational mode decomposition)
    2018-03-08 08:27:26下载
  • rotation
    fluent 旋转边界算例,可以了解运动机械在fluent模拟中的设置(fluent rotation the boundary example, you can understand the mechanical movement set in fluent simulation)
    2020-11-03 10:59:53下载
  • fortran
    2D FDTD TE mode with a plane wave source and a PML abc
    2020-12-16 16:09:14下载
  • Gauss
    高斯消元法、高斯列主元消元法解线性方程组。程序由本人独立完全独立完成。版权所有!(Gaussian elimination method out PCA Gaussian elimination method for solving linear equations. I am independent program consists entirely independently. All rights reserved!)
    2013-08-10 12:31:59下载
  • sou-V6.2
    BP神经网络用于函数拟合与模式识别,研究生时的现代信号处理的作业,包括数据分析、绘图等等。( BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition, Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate, Data analysis, plotting, etc..)
    2017-05-15 16:43:00下载
  • cx
    说明:  在科学与工程计算中,经常遇到求解非线性方程组的问题;非线性方程组在收敛速度及收敛性比线性方程组要差,特别对于非凸的非线性方程组,其求解更是困难。下面简要介绍非线性方程组的三种解法——牛顿法、拟牛顿法、同伦算法,分析三种解法的适用性,并附Matlab原程序。(Scientific and engineering computing, often encounter the problem of solving nonlinear equations speed of convergence of nonlinear equations and linear equations worse than convergence, especially for non-convex nonlinear equations, which is even more difficult to solve . The following briefly describes three solutions to nonlinear equations- Newton method, quasi-Newton method, homotopy method, the applicability of the three solutions, along with Matlab original program.)
    2016-03-12 10:57:01下载
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