IET包含控制学等在内的多个学科,官方投稿的Latex模板文档,在官网不太容易找到,现在上传,方便大家下载(IET includes many disciplines, such as cybernetics, etc. The Latex template documents submitted by the government are not easy to find on the official website. Now they are uploaded for download.)
16_5_17, 0 , 2017-05-16
16_5_17\Author_tex.pdf, 150301 , 2017-02-24
16_5_17\Author_tex.tex, 6662 , 2016-09-02
16_5_17\cta-author.cls, 49355 , 2017-05-15
16_5_17\CTA_Instructions.pdf, 149111 , 2017-02-24
16_5_17\CTA_Instructions.tex, 11077 , 2016-09-02
16_5_17\CTA_Sample.pdf, 249164 , 2017-02-24
16_5_17\CTA_Sample.tex, 32666 , 2016-09-02
16_5_17\hypernat.sty, 5514 , 2001-07-11
16_5_17\iet-ctalogo.eps, 735743 , 2011-07-05
16_5_17\IET-Submission-DoubleColumn-Template.pdf, 329447 , 2017-05-16
16_5_17\IET-Submission-DoubleColumn-Template.tex, 17206 , 2017-05-16
16_5_17\IET_email_icon.eps, 241462 , 2014-12-24
16_5_17\IET_Journals_Logo.eps, 1107402 , 2014-11-14
16_5_17\Sample_1.eps, 885214 , 2016-11-21
16_5_17\Sample_2.eps, 1351062 , 2016-11-21