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  一个水下无人自主航行器(AUV)的MATLAB/simulink仿真程序,写得很详细,有附带的s函数和m文件供参考学习。(A MATLAB / Simulink simulation program for Unmanned Unmanned Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (AUV) is written in great detail, with s functions and M files attached for reference.)


shark\contents.m, 1033 , 2001-12-29
shark\demos\abcdk.mat, 2264 , 2001-12-27
shark\demos\linattk.m, 284 , 2001-12-27
shark\demos\nlksf.mdl, 30840 , 2001-12-29
shark\demos\oploop.mdl, 13170 , 2001-12-29
shark\demos\xtrlmod.mdl, 5944 , 2001-12-27
shark\demos.m, 436 , 2001-12-29
shark\doc\shark.pdf, 353123 , 2003-03-11
shark\info.xml, 601 , 2007-01-28
shark\license.txt, 1336 , 2009-06-14
shark\mex5\a2clcd.c, 6718 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\a2clcd.h, 371 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\a2clcdxc.c, 7501 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\a2clcdxc.h, 396 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\rpy2j.c, 4269 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\rpy2j.h, 350 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\rpy2r_eb.c, 4945 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\rpy2r_eb.h, 362 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\tau_cor.c, 5888 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\tau_cor.h, 385 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\tau_damp.c, 45470 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\tau_damp.h, 390 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\tau_rest.c, 5433 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\tau_rest.h, 375 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\vp.c, 3777 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\vp.h, 349 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\vxdot.c, 8129 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\vxdot.dll, 65536 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\vxdot.h, 349 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex5\vxdot_mex.c, 1658 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\a2clcd.c, 11784 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\a2clcd.h, 868 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\a2clcdxc.c, 13243 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\a2clcdxc.h, 899 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\rpy2j.c, 7814 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\rpy2j.h, 844 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\rpy2r_eb.c, 8522 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\rpy2r_eb.h, 865 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\tau_cor.c, 10634 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\tau_cor.h, 885 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\tau_damp.c, 52837 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\tau_damp.h, 893 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\tau_rest.c, 9106 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\tau_rest.h, 878 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\vp.c, 6619 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\vp.h, 834 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\vxdot.c, 12680 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\vxdot.dll, 106496 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\vxdot.h, 843 , 2001-10-17
shark\mex6\vxdot_mex.c, 2501 , 2001-10-17
shark\shark.m, 702 , 2005-05-11
shark\source\a2clcd.m, 910 , 1998-05-26
shark\source\a2clcdxc.m, 805 , 1998-05-26
shark\source\rpy2j.m, 350 , 1999-03-25
shark\source\rpy2r_eb.m, 468 , 1997-05-16
shark\source\tau_cor.m, 382 , 1999-03-25
shark\source\tau_damp.m, 7426 , 1999-03-25
shark\source\tau_rest.m, 412 , 1999-03-25
shark\source\vp.m, 261 , 1999-03-25
shark\source\vxdot.m, 934 , 2001-12-23
shark\vehicle.m, 3107 , 1999-03-25
shark\说明.txt, 160 , 2018-02-04
shark\demos, 0 , 2018-02-04
shark\doc, 0 , 2018-02-04
shark\mex5, 0 , 2018-02-04
shark\mex6, 0 , 2018-02-04
shark\source, 0 , 2018-02-04
shark, 0 , 2018-02-04



0 个回复

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