脉冲压缩雷达能同时提高雷达的作用距离和距离分辨率。这种体制采用宽脉冲发射以提高发射的平均功率,保证足够大的作用距离;而接受时采用相应的脉冲压缩算法获得窄脉冲,以提高距离分辨率,较好的解决雷达作用距离与距离分辨率之间的矛盾。(Pulse compression radar can simultaneously increase the range and range resolution of the radar. This system uses wide pulse emission to increase the average power of the emission to ensure a sufficiently large working distance. When receiving, the corresponding pulse compression algorithm is used to obtain a narrow pulse to improve the range resolution, and better solve the radar range and distance resolution. The contradiction between rates. Pulse compression radar can simultaneously increase the range and range resolution of the radar. This system uses wide pulse emission to increase the average power of the emission to ensure a sufficiently large working distance. When receiving, the corresponding pulse compression algorithm is used to obtain a narrow pulse to improve the range resolution, and better solve the radar range and distance resolution. The contradiction between rates.)
雷达线性调频脉冲压缩的原理及其MATLAB仿真.doc, 351232 , 2018-10-12