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  覆盖了基本常用的机器学习算法。包括线性回归与分类算法;决策树;多种降维算法;优化算法;强化学习等多类算法的Python代码。(It covers the commonly used machine learning algorithms. Including linear regression and classification algorithm; decision tree; a variety of dimensionality reduction algorithm; optimization algorithm; reinforcement learning and other algorithms of Python code.)


Machine Learning, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\ecoli.py, 1660 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\factoranalysis.py, 1730 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\floyd.py, 1389 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\iris.py, 2520 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\isomap.py, 3512 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\kernelpca.py, 1947 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\kpcademo.py, 1452 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\lda.py, 1689 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\lle.py, 1979 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\pca.py, 1227 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\10 Dimension Reduction\pcademo.py, 849 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation\CG.py, 1579 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation\LevenbergMarquardt.py, 1748 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation\LevenbergMarquardt_leastsq.py, 2692 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation\Newton.py, 965 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation\steepest.py, 841 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\11 Optimisation\TSP.py, 5392 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\exhaustiveKnapsack.py, 1015 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\fourpeaks.py, 1019 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\ga.py, 5505 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\greedyKnapsack.py, 1044 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\knapsack.py, 849 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\PBIL.py, 1466 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\12 Evolutionary\run_ga.py, 502 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\13 Reinforcement, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\13 Reinforcement\SARSA.py, 1987 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\13 Reinforcement\SARSA_cliff.py, 4604 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\13 Reinforcement\TDZero.py, 1415 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\13 Reinforcement\TDZero_cliff.py, 4118 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\BoxMuller.py, 1062 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\Gibbs.py, 1475 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\importancesampling.py, 1207 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\lcg.py, 847 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\MH.py, 1527 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\rejectionsampling.py, 1412 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\14 MCMC\SIR.py, 1557 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models\Gibbs.py, 4660 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models\graphdemo.py, 852 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models\HMM.py, 3364 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models\Kalman.py, 1841 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models\MRF.py, 1607 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\15 Graphical Models\world.png, 751 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\auto-mpg.py, 866 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\linreg.py, 671 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\linreg_logic_eg.py, 1066 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\logic.py, 1014 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\pcn.py, 2443 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\pcn_logic_eg.py, 2182 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\2 Linear\pima.py, 1786 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\iris.py, 2048 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\iris_proc.data, 2700 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\logic.py, 1262 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\mlp.py, 5032 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\PNoz.dat, 185575 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\PNOz.py, 1699 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\3 MLP\sinewave.py, 1625 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\4 RBF, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\4 RBF\iris.py, 1496 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\4 RBF\least_squares.py, 754 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\4 RBF\rbf.py, 3479 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\6 Trees, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\6 Trees\dtree.py, 5852 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\6 Trees\party.data, 211 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\6 Trees\party.py, 707 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee\bagging.py, 1770 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee\boost.py, 5196 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee\car.data, 51921 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee\car.py, 1935 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee\dtw.py, 7830 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\7 Committee\party.py, 926 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\gaussian.py, 1488 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\GMM.py, 1759 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\kdtree.py, 2490 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\knn.py, 957 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\knnSmoother.py, 2672 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\plotGaussian.py, 713 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\8 Probability\ruapehu.dat, 1136 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised, 0 , 2009-04-20
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\iris.py, 2188 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\kmeans.py, 2126 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\kmeansnet.py, 1535 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\moredemos.py, 2154 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\shortecoli.data, 11970 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\som.py, 3488 , 2009-03-25
Machine Learning\src\9 Unsupervised\somdemo.py, 2845 , 2009-03-25



0 个回复

  • my_apriori
    很好用的关联规则挖掘经典算法,推荐使用。包括支持度、置信度、提升度,输出结果到excel文件(Good use of association rules mining classic algorithm, recommended)
    2018-11-14 15:51:16下载
  • kaggle叶子分类
    利用一维卷积神经网络将叶子进行分类,里面包含的有数据(Classification of leaves using one dimensional convolution neural network)
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  • envulnpe__many
    一种有效的包络线算法,可以实现很多情况下的振动信号的包络线生成,(An effective envelope algorithm can be used to generate envelope of vibration signal in many cases.)
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  • boston_housing
    说明:  采用机器学习预测房价.使用波士顿房屋信息数据来训练和测试一个模型,并对模型的性能和预测能力进行评估。(Using Machine Learning to Predict House Prices)
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  • KPCA故障检测
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  • 值网格写为CFD可读取的格式
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  • rnwifding
    关于粒子群算法的c语言程序,可以用于函数优化,极其方便(The C language program of particle swarm optimization algorithm can be used for function optimization, which is extremely convenient.)
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  • autoencoder_v1
    用于数据自编码,非线性压缩,降维的一种方法;与PCA不同,pca为线性降维方式(Data auto encoding, nonlinear compression)
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