芯科泰又大量生产了一款最小体积的无线输电模块,模块体积仅为长18mm宽15mm高8mm的输电控制模块,除外置一个发射线圈外无任何元件,无线充电接收电流可高达600mA,基本满足普通电子产品的充电供电之用,模块具有识别能力,可根据负载大小自动增减发射功率,工作效率约70%安装方便简单,价格低廉,可直接工作在4~12V的宽电压工作,主要用于短距离的各种小电子产品使用(Wireless charging data,Core Tai also produced a minimal volume of wireless transmission module, the module volume is only 18 mm long and 15 mm wide 15 mm high 8 mm transmission control module, except for an external transmitter coil without any components, wireless charging receiving current can be as high as 600 mA, basically meet the charging and power supply of ordinary electronic products, the module has the ability to identify. It can automatically increase or decrease the transmitting power according to the load size. Its efficiency is about 70% easy to install and low cost. It can work directly at a wide voltage of 4-12 V. It is mainly used for short distance small electronic products.)
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