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于 2020-07-10 发布 文件大小:502KB
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  SAI图像插值算法 可插值uint8 uint16 图像(SAI image interpolation algorithm can interpolate uint8 uint16 image)



0 个回复

  • clusterImg
    说明:  彩色图像分割,灰常不错。This function implements kmeans clustering on an input RGB (m x n x 3) image. The user inputs at least two inputs: IMGIN and NCLUSTERS, and this function will step through an interactive color segmentation using kmeans clustering. It is interactive in that the user will be prompted to click-define the target colors in the segmentation.(This function implements kmeans clustering on an input RGB (m x n x 3) image. The user inputs at least two inputs: IMGIN and NCLUSTERS, and this function will step through an interactive color segmentation using kmeans clustering. It is interactive in that the user will be prompted to click-define the target colors in the segmentation.)
    2011-03-02 18:21:10下载
  • bsubsamp
    数字图像处理(冈萨雷斯)书中的边界链码实现,该程序通过取网格,简化了编码的数据量(Digital image processing (Gonzalez) the boundary chain code book, realize that the procedures through access grid, simplifying the coding of data)
    2007-09-02 17:30:44下载
  • iris-feature-extraction
    一种简单的虹膜特征提取Matlab实现,主要是gabor滤波器的实现。(A simple iris feature extraction Matlab, gabor filter realization.)
    2012-08-29 20:12:11下载
  • c# 条码生成 实例源码下载
  • stereo-disparity
    matlab实现图像匹配的视差图,可以用于3D重建系统,机器视觉等领域。(Matlab image matching parallax figure, and can be used in 3 D reconstruction system, machine vision, etc )
    2012-05-10 10:38:55下载
  • 指纹识别
    说明:  简单的指纹识别 分类图像处理 语言 matlab(matlab image processing fingerprint identification)
    2020-04-05 13:24:40下载
  • MSR_fft
    matlab图象应用广泛于图象增强,其中的Retinex图象增强也越来越受到重视,对于彩色图象的处理效果很明显。(Matlab image widely used in image enhancement, The Retinex Image Enhancement also growing in importance for color image effect is obvious.)
    2007-06-30 12:26:58下载
  • PCA
    应用matlab对多通道遥感影像进行主成分变换,就出含有最大信息量的主成分(Application of PCA matlab multi-channel remote sensing image, containing the principal component of the maximum amount of information)
    2020-10-24 10:47:21下载
  • Marching-Cubesof-MC-algorithm
    原创基于c++语言编程实现了MC算法在三维图像处理中的应用,以及有许多二维图像到三维图像表面的重建过程算法。通过VC2008,编译已通过。(I have realized MC algorithm about the application of processing 3-D image based on C++ language also realised the technology on image surface reconstruction from 2-D to 3-D image.They are all compiled successfully using VS2008)
    2012-05-04 22:32:57下载
  • Image_processing_quality_evluation
    图像处理(图像融合,图像加密等)的性能评价指标集包括:平均梯度,边缘强度,信息熵,灰度均值,标准差(均方差MSE),均方根误差,峰值信噪比(psnr),空间频率(sf),图像清晰度,互信息(mi),结构相似性(ssim),交叉熵(cross entropy),相对标准差。(Image processing,average gradient, edge strength, information entropy, gray mean, standard deviation (variance (MSE), are root mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), spatial frequency (SF), the sharpness of the image, the mutual information (MI), similar to the structure of (SSIM) and cross entropy (cross entropy). The relative standard deviation)
    2021-04-21 17:28:49下载
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