首页 » matlab » 用于数值积分的稀疏网格高斯埃尔米特方法


于 2020-07-04 发布 文件大小:27KB
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  用于数值积分的稀疏网格高斯埃尔米特方法,可以产生积分节点和积分系数(Sparse Grids Based on Gauss-Hermite Rules)


comp_next.m, 4041 , 2018-10-22
hermite_abscissa.m, 13420 , 2018-10-22
hermite_integral_nd.m, 1145 , 2018-10-22
hermite_weights.m, 16154 , 2018-10-22
i4_choose.m, 1142 , 2018-10-22
i4_log_2.m, 1097 , 2018-10-22
i4_modp.m, 1657 , 2018-10-22
index_level_herm.m, 2860 , 2018-10-22
level_to_order_open.m, 3392 , 2018-10-22
monomial_quadrature.m, 1261 , 2018-10-22
monomial_value.m, 1265 , 2018-10-22
multigrid_index_z.m, 1916 , 2018-10-22
product_weight_herm.m, 1005 , 2018-10-22
r8_factorial2.m, 789 , 2018-10-22
r8_huge.m, 815 , 2018-10-22
r8mat_write.m, 1045 , 2018-10-22
r8vec_direct_product2.m, 3672 , 2018-10-22
sparse_grid_herm.m, 4570 , 2018-10-22
sparse_grid_herm_index.m, 3549 , 2018-10-22
sparse_grid_herm_size.m, 2196 , 2018-10-22
sparse_grid_hermite_test.m, 4438 , 2018-10-22
sparse_grid_hermite_test04.m, 1719 , 2018-10-22
timestamp.m, 416 , 2018-10-22
vec_colex_next2.m, 1699 , 2018-10-22



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