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test benchmarks

于 2018-10-07 发布 文件大小:49KB
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  总共56个测试的基准函数,用于智能算法测试所用。(Totally 56 benchmark functions for testing, they are used for intelligence algorithm testing.)


test functions\Bowl-Shaped\boha1.m, 1533 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\boha2.m, 1510 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\boha3.m, 1505 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\perm0db.m, 1658 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\rothyp.m, 1579 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\spheref.m, 1467 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\spherefmod.m, 1500 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\sumpow.m, 1519 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\sumsqu.m, 1474 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped\trid.m, 1544 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\ackley.m, 1866 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\bukin6.m, 1488 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\crossit.m, 1514 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\drop.m, 1484 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\egg.m, 1505 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\griewank.m, 1533 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\grlee12.m, 1336 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\holder.m, 1493 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\langer.m, 2269 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\levy.m, 1659 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\levy13.m, 1537 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\rastr.m, 1495 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\schaffer2.m, 1499 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\schaffer4.m, 1505 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\schwef.m, 1498 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima\shubert.m, 1565 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\beale.m, 1519 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\branin.m, 2051 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\braninmodif.m, 2073 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\braninsc.m, 1581 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\colville.m, 1645 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\forretal08.m, 1339 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\forretal08lc.m, 1875 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\goldpr.m, 1653 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\goldprsc.m, 1768 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\hart3.m, 1857 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\hart4.m, 1995 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\hart6.m, 2004 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\hart6sc.m, 2001 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\permdb.m, 1658 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\powell.m, 1649 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\shekel.m, 1842 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other\stybtang.m, 1509 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Plate-Shaped\booth.m, 1465 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Plate-Shaped\matya.m, 1466 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Plate-Shaped\mccorm.m, 1517 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Plate-Shaped\powersum.m, 1820 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Plate-Shaped\zakharov.m, 1504 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Steep Ridges Drops\dejong5.m, 1755 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Steep Ridges Drops\easom.m, 1473 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Steep Ridges Drops\michal.m, 1600 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Valley-Shaped\camel3.m, 1536 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Valley-Shaped\camel6.m, 1514 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Valley-Shaped\dixonpr.m, 1563 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Valley-Shaped\rosen.m, 1531 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Valley-Shaped\rosensc.m, 1625 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Bowl-Shaped, 0 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Many Local Minima, 0 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Other, 0 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Plate-Shaped, 0 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Steep Ridges Drops, 0 , 2018-10-07
test functions\Valley-Shaped, 0 , 2018-10-07
test functions, 0 , 2018-10-07



0 个回复

  • IsomapR1
    说明:  Isomap code --------------------------------------- Author: Josh Tenenbaum (jbt@psych.stanford.edu) [Dijkstra code by Mark Steyvers (msteyver@psych.stanford.edu)]
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