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time reversal

于 2018-09-01 发布 文件大小:199KB
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 10


  基于超声阵列的时间反转动画模拟,以动画形式实现(Ultrasound array time reversal animation simulation)


time reversal\reversed_time_1, 0 , 2018-09-01
time reversal\reversed_time_1\Time Reversal simulation - File Exchange - MATLAB Central.pdf, 209982 , 2017-11-20
time reversal\reversed_time_1\Untitled1.m, 4046 , 2018-08-27
time reversal\reversed_time_1\license.txt, 1532 , 2014-02-12
time reversal\reversed_time_1\mlat.m, 1348 , 2014-02-12
time reversal\reversed_time_1\time_reversal.m, 4234 , 2018-08-27
time reversal, 0 , 2018-09-01



0 个回复

  • Wavelet_OMP
    说明:  基于小波变换与正交匹配准备恢复算法的稀疏恢复算法试验(Orthogonal wavelet transform algorithm is ready to resume Test match)
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  • untitled1
    是一个matlab中的power system 中搭建的一个模型。可以仿真35KV电力系统线路发单项短路故障、两项短路故障、和三项短路故障的短路电流电压波形。(This is a model of building a matlab power in system. Simulation of 35kV Power line system billing short-circuit fault, two short circuit fault, and three short circuit fault short-circuit current and voltage waveforms. )
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  • PIDsim26012018
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