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于 2018-08-30 发布 文件大小:21KB
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  算法思想来自于网上资源,先使用图像边缘和车牌颜色定位车牌,再识别字符。车牌定位在predict方法中,为说明清楚,完成代码和测试后,加了很多注释,请参看源码。车牌字符识别也在predict方法中,请参看源码中的注释,需要说明的是,车牌字符识别使用的算法是opencv的SVM, opencv的SVM使用代码来自于opencv附带的sample,StatModel类和SVM类都是sample中的代码。SVM训练使用的训练样本来自于github上的EasyPR的c++版本。由于训练样本有限,你测试时会发现,车牌字符识别,可能存在误差,尤其是第一个中文字符出现的误差概率较大。(Bits in the predict method, for clarity, add a lot of comments after completing the code and testing, see the source code. License plate character recognition is also included in the predict method. Please refer to the comments in the source code. It needs to be noted that the algorithm used for license plate character recognition is SVM of opencv. The training sample used for SVM training comes from the c++ version of EasyPR on github. Due to limited training samples, you may find errors in license plate character recognition when testing, especially the error probability of the first Chinese character is large.)


Python-opencv车牌识别, 0 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea, 0 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea\Python-opencv车牌识别.iml, 398 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea\inspectionProfiles, 0 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea\inspectionProfiles\profiles_settings.xml, 228 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea\misc.xml, 252 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea\modules.xml, 302 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\.idea\workspace.xml, 8018 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\imtools.py, 13745 , 2015-09-01
Python-opencv车牌识别\kNN.py, 5851 , 2015-08-26
Python-opencv车牌识别\model, 0 , 2017-10-25
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\0.txt, 840 , 2015-08-28
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\1.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\2.txt, 838 , 2004-08-20
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\3.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\4.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\5.txt, 838 , 2004-08-20
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\6.txt, 838 , 2004-09-08
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\7.txt, 838 , 2004-08-20
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\8.txt, 838 , 2004-08-20
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\9.txt, 840 , 2004-09-11
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\A.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\B.txt, 838 , 2009-09-26
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\C.txt, 838 , 2004-08-23
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\D.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\E.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\F.txt, 838 , 2004-08-23
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\G.txt, 838 , 2004-08-23
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\H.txt, 838 , 2004-08-23
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\I.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\J.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\K.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\L.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\M.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\N.txt, 838 , 2004-08-23
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\O.txt, 838 , 2015-08-28
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\P.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\Q.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\R.txt, 838 , 2004-08-23
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\S.txt, 838 , 2009-09-26
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\T.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\U.txt, 840 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\V.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\W.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\X.txt, 838 , 2009-09-26
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\Y.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\model\Z.txt, 838 , 2004-11-19
Python-opencv车牌识别\opencv图像处理.py, 4878 , 2015-09-01
Python-opencv车牌识别\rotate.py, 47 , 2015-08-22



0 个回复

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