首页 » matlab » 二维矩形条带装箱问题的底部左齐择优匹配算法


于 2018-09-22 发布 文件大小:567KB
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  针对二维矩形条带装箱问题提出了一种启发式布局算法,即底部左齐择优匹配算法(lowest—level left align bestfit,简称LLABF).LLABF算法遵循最佳匹配优先原则,该原则综合考虑完全匹配优先、宽度匹配优先、高度匹配优先、组合宽度匹配优先及可装入优先等启发式规则.与BL(bottom-left),IBL(improved-bottom-left)与BLF(bottom—left-fill)等启发算法不同的是,LLABF能够在矩形装入过程中自动选择与可装区域匹配的下一个待装矩形.计算结果表明,LLABF结合遗传算法(genetie algorithm,简称GA)解决二维条带装箱问题更加有效.(A heuristic placement algorithm for two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem is proposed, which is called bottom-level left align best fit algorithm (LLABF). Different from BL (bottom-left), IBL (improved-bottom-left) and BLF (bottom-left-fill) heuristic algorithms, LLABF can automatically select the next rectangle to be loaded that matches the mountable region during the rectangular loading process. Genetie algorithm (GA) is more effective to solve the two-dimensional strip packing problem.)


二维矩形条带装箱问题的底部左齐择优匹配算法 .pdf, 585940 , 2018-09-22



0 个回复

  • Tidal_Analysis
    harmonic-analysis Tidal Analysis
    2010-07-12 16:37:29下载
  • comparison_numerical_interpolation_real_values
    Used function P(x) = 1+x− x2+0.2x3+0.1x4 and its known the values P(x)=[ -6.2 -8.3 -5.0 -1.1 1 1.3 2.2 8.5 27.4], in x= [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4] to interpolate in the xi = − 4 + 0.1i, i = 0, 1, 2, . . . 80. Results are graphically compared!(Used function P(x) = 1+x− x2+0.2x3+0.1x4 and its known the values P(x)=[-6.2-8.3-5.0-1.1 1 1.3 2.2 8.5 27.4], in x= [-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4] to interpolate in the xi = − 4+ 0.1i, i = 0, 1, 2, . . . 80. Results are graphically compared!)
    2009-11-26 21:27:31下载
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