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于 2021-04-09 发布 文件大小:19861KB
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  大气校正软件MODTRAN4.3.1,MODTRAN里提供了6种差异显著且有代表性的大气模型,这些模型的温度、水汽、臭氧廓线都有明显差异。近北极冬季模型(Sub-Arctic Winter)具有最低陆表温度,中纬度冬季模型(Mid-Latitude Winter)次之;热带模型(Tropical)和中纬度夏季模型(Mid-Latitude Summer)具有最高的陆表温度。对流层顶,热带模型的温度反而是最低的,而近北极夏季模型(Sub-Arctic Summer)具有最高的温度。在这6种模型中,除陆表外的第二温度峰值高度出现在海拔50km左右,这里近北极夏季模型具有最高温度,中纬度夏季模型与之近乎相等,在这个海拔上近北极冬季模型的温度是最低的。1976美国标准模型(1976U.S. Standard)在这一系列模型中提供了一个近乎与中位数值的选择。(Atmosphere Correction Software Modtran 4.3.1, it provides six distinct and representative atmospheric models with distinct differences in temperature, water vapor, and ozone profiles.)


tape5, 553 , 2009-06-03
DATA\0601backup_SPEC_ALB.DAT, 349570 , 2009-06-01
DATA\AVIRIS.FLT, 459055 , 2000-04-19
DATA\BMP99_01.ASC, 24056543 , 2000-04-19
DATA\BMP99_01.BIN, 9252540 , 2000-04-19
DATA\BMP99_15.ASC, 903491 , 2000-04-19
DATA\BMP99_15.BIN, 347520 , 2000-04-19
DATA\CEBCHKUR.DAT, 974226 , 2000-02-08
DATA\CFC99_01.ASC, 214248 , 2000-02-08
DATA\CFC99_15.ASC, 16116 , 2000-02-08
DATA\CHKUR.DAT, 1161014 , 2000-02-08
DATA\CKBIN.EXE, 80384 , 2000-04-19
DATA\CKBIN.F, 7656 , 2000-04-19
DATA\CORK01.ASC, 4625083 , 2000-04-19
DATA\CORK01.BIN, 1589480 , 2000-04-19
DATA\CORK15.ASC, 1341347 , 2000-04-19
DATA\CORK15.BIN, 461124 , 2000-04-19
DATA\HJ1ACCD1.flt, 15663 , 2009-06-03
DATA\HJ1ACCD2.flt, 16539 , 2009-06-03
DATA\HJ1BCCD1.flt, 17020 , 2009-06-03
DATA\HJ1BCCD2.flt, 17020 , 2009-06-03
DATA\hrwater_ref1, 9809 , 2001-09-10
DATA\MOLBMP.F, 18884 , 2000-04-19
DATA\NEWKUR.DAT, 1099056 , 2000-02-08
DATA\OMIS_bandpass.txt, 82118 , 2002-05-15
DATA\PARAM.LST, 3635 , 2004-10-20
DATA\SPEC_ALB.DAT, 1357089 , 2009-06-02
DATA\SPEC_ALB.DAT.bak, 1352889 , 2009-06-02
DATA\THKUR.DAT, 976446 , 2000-02-08
DATA\tm5_filterfunction.flt, 12930 , 2003-12-06
DATA\复件 SPEC_ALB.DAT, 247803 , 2009-04-03
DATA\复件 SPEC_ALB.DAT.bak, 216182 , 2004-10-21
DATA\复件 复件 SPEC_ALB.DAT, 216182 , 2004-10-21
DATA, 0 , 2009-12-04
Mod4v3r1.exe, 1986560 , 2003-11-06



0 个回复

  • fm_gui_v2
    基于傅里叶梅林变换亚像元图像配准程序,可以运行。(Fourier Mellin transform based sub-pixel image registration process, you can run.)
    2011-04-24 16:00:32下载
  • clean_algorithm_radar-detection
    该算法可以清楚的将雷达目标检测出来,去除旁瓣遮挡效应,提高雷达目标检测的分辨率。(The algorithm can clear the radar target detection out, remove side lobe barrier effect, to improve the resolution of the radar target detection.)
    2012-12-10 16:54:50下载
  • image
    关于偏微分方程进行图像处理的电子书,对于学习动态轮廓实现图像的分割非常有用(A book about PDE and image processing, it is very useful for image processing learning)
    2009-04-08 14:20:42下载
  • Anisotropic
    本程序实现灰度图像各向异性扩散(Anisotropic Diffusion)滤波算法,可以用于平滑信号,保留边缘,增强边缘对比度。与普通高斯Gaussian算法相比,它不会平滑边缘的图像。(The program implements grayscale image using anisotropic diffusion filtering algorithm.It can be used to smooth the signal, keep the edge, enhance the edge of the contrast. Compared with ordinary Gaussian algorithm, it does not smooth the image edges.)
    2014-02-08 18:19:25下载
  • Python-Multiple-Image-Stitching-master
    图像拼接,这是个图像拼接,还能说什么呢我的天是不是傻要字数限制(image fusion i have to think something to explain how to congraduation this website)
    2020-06-18 03:20:02下载
  • Image-Auto-Adjustment
    亮度代表了图像的明暗程度,颜色代表了图像的色度,它包含了色调和饱和度。这个代码可以自动对这三个参数进行调整。(Brightness represents the degree of image brightness, color represents the color image, which includes hue and saturation. This code can be automatically adjusted to the three parameters.)
    2008-12-12 20:34:27下载
  • Four-Appraisal-Indexes
    计算图像的平均梯度,边缘强度,信息熵以及方差,图像质量评价(The average gradient calculation image, edge strength, entropy and variance, image quality assessment)
    2016-05-19 10:08:56下载
  • mycombine
    进行图像区域合并操作,能够较为有效,较好的进行图像合并(combine the image,very effcient)
    2014-05-21 20:29:55下载
  • Matching
    数字摄影测量中的最小二乘匹配算法,带示例图像(Feature points matching using LSTM)
    2019-04-22 13:42:21下载
  • 11111
    两张图片相减 散斑干涉图像获取 Two image subtraction Two image subtraction(Two image subtraction Two image subtraction Two image subtraction)
    2016-05-26 11:36:08下载
  • 696518资源总数
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