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于 2020-07-04 发布 文件大小:387KB
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  calipso二级气溶胶AOD月平均廓线(Monthly Average Profile of Calipso Secondary Aerosol AOD)



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  • lec5
    Li near r egr essi on, acti ve learning We arriv ed at the lo gistic regression model when trying to explicitly model the uncertainty about the lab els in a linear c la ss ifier. The same genera l modeling approach p e rmits us to use line ar predictio ns in var ious other co ntexts as well. The simplest of them is regress ion where the go al is to pr e dict a con tin uous resp onse y t ∈ R to e ach example ve ctor. Here to o fo cusing on linear predictions won’t b e inherently limiting as linear predictions can b e easily extended (ne xt lecture).
    2013-12-02 14:38:57下载
  • Loizou的语音增强代码GA_code
    说明:  Loizou, P的“语音增强 理论与实践”一书的MATLAB代码(Loizou, P speech enhancement- theory and practice, a Book of MATLAB code)(Loizou code of MATLAB and P's speech enhancement theory and Practice (Loizou, P speech enhancement- theory and practice, a Book of MATLAB code))
    2021-03-04 23:09:31下载
  • files2
    MATLAB程序设计教程》源代码-2660 MATLAB程序设计教程》源代码-2660 MATLAB程序设计教程》源代码-2660 MATLAB程序设计教程》源代码-2660(MATLAB Programming Guide, )
    2007-08-07 15:01:19下载
  • Controller_designsimulink
    he modeling equation of this system is MD2X+bDX+kX = F The transfer function between the displacement X(s) and the input F(s) then becomes X(s) / F(s) = 1 / (Ms2 + bs +k)
    2013-12-20 14:32:51下载
  • speech
    说明:  我最近用MATLAB做的语音处理实验,含有3种处理方式,希望对大家有帮助。(I have recently done with MATLAB voice processing experiments, containing three kinds of approach, I hope all of you help.)
    2008-11-08 14:09:36下载
    a simple code for plot some kinds of geophysical data (such shot, CMP,... gathers).
    2014-08-20 05:45:09下载
  • 133
    对于一幅输入图像,将产生一幅输出图像,输出图像的每个像素点的灰度值由输入像素点决定,将感兴趣特征的对比度扩展使之占据可显示灰度级的更大部分。使一输入图像转换为在每一灰度级上都有相同的像素点数,均衡化会减少灰度级数。大多数自然图像由于其灰度值分布集中在较窄的范围之内,引起图像细节不够清楚。采用直方图修正后可使图像的灰度间距拉大或使灰度均匀分布,从而增大了反差,使图像细节清楚,达到增强的目的。(For an input image, will produce an output image, the output image gray value of each pixel from the input pixel decided to expand interest in the contrast of features to make it account for more gray levels can be displayed most. Make an input image is converted to grayscale in each pixel have the same points, equalization will reduce the gray series. Most natural images because of their gray value distribution concentrated in a narrow range, causing the image detail is not clear enough. Make the image histogram revised by the gray space widening or so gray uniform distribution, thereby increasing the contrast between the image details clear objective to achieve enhanced.)
    2010-06-08 15:02:11下载
  • EKFUKFMatlabtoolbox
    现代信号处理中的扩展卡尔曼滤波和无迹卡尔曼滤波的介绍,以及matlab的实现方法。(EKF UKF)
    2010-11-24 20:33:33下载
  • test_uncoded_BPSK
    说明:  未编码传输AWGN信道测试 每帧的输入是相同的,(不是每帧都不一样,这样可以大幅降低计算量) 在帧比特足够多的情况下,应该可以保证随机性(AWGN channel is not coded transmission test input of each frame is the same, (not every frame is different, this can significantly reduce the computation) are enough bits in the frame of the case, should be able to guarantee randomness)
    2011-03-09 15:56:19下载
  • renkoumoxing
    本文区别于其他传统的人口预测模型,深入分析了当前中国人口的基本情况,以及 最近几年中国人口的发展情况与趋势,针对中国人口基数大、男女比例不协调、乡村人 口城镇化加速、人口老龄化日益严重等显著特点,在各年龄段生育率短期内保持不变的 假设下,建立基本的人口转移回归模型,用于模拟预测短期内中国各类人口数量发展变 化。该模型预测结果显示,中国人口在未来十几年内增长一定幅度后开始下降;与此同 时,人口老龄化、男女比例失调等问题日益严重。该模型短期内的预测效果比较好。 为了使中国将来的人口发展健康、平衡,综合考虑中国以及欧洲一些发达国家和亚 洲一些实行计划生育较早的国家以前以及当前的一些情况,本文提出了修改计划生育政 策的建议。面对日益严重的老龄化现象,我们提出生育率应该参考老龄人口比例这一新 思想,并建立生育率与老龄人口比例的关系模型,用于长期人口的预测。预测结果显示 中国总人口在短期内持续上升,在2025 年到2040 年之间基本保持在14.6 亿的最大值, 然后开始缓慢下降。 两个模型的结果均显示,中国将会面临严重的老龄化和男女比例不协调两个问题。 最后我们提出了适当措施以缓和这两个问题带来的影响。(This is different from other traditional population projection model, in-depth analysis of the current basic situation of China s population, and In recent years the development of China s population and the trend for China s huge population, gender disharmony, rural people I accelerated urbanization, the growing aging population and other significant features in the short term fertility of all ages remain unchanged Assumption, the establishment of basic population transfer regression model, to simulate and predict the short term development of China s various types of population change Of. The predicted results show that China s population growth in the next decade began to decrease after a certain extent and the same When an aging population, gender imbalance and other growing problem. The model predicted the short-term results were better. To make the development of China s future population health, balance, considering China and some developed countries in Europe and A)
    2010-05-13 11:54:40下载
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