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于 2021-04-07 发布 文件大小:221KB
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  滑模积分控制器,适合学习滑模控制的人员学习,代码可以直接运行。(Sliding mode integral controller is suitable for studying the learning of sliding mode control, and the code can run directly.)


积分滑模控制\PMSM_SMVC.mdl, 124632 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\PMSM_SMVC.mdl.r14 (sp3), 106210 , 2011-11-24
积分滑模控制\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.mexw64, 286720 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\info\binfo.mat, 1836 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\info\chart2_mOOlamX5j8LWy68EYZDQvF.mat, 3510 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\info\chart2_NF21WPYNOUYsYnuduZwaPB.mat, 3509 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\c2_PMSM_SMVC.c, 39107 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\c2_PMSM_SMVC.h, 1421 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\c2_PMSM_SMVC.obj, 42675 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\mexopts.bat, 3152 , 2017-01-04
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.bat, 49 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.c, 8082 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.exp, 699 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.h, 1438 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.lib, 1898 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.mak, 3680 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.map, 177881 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.mexw64.manifest, 381 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.mol, 67 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun.obj, 10110 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun_debug_macros.h, 25604 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun_registry.c, 8891 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\PMSM_SMVC_sfun_registry.obj, 53307 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\rtwtypes.h, 8816 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src\rtwtypeschksum.mat, 1146 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\SMC.m, 3020 , 2017-04-06
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\html\chart2_mOOlamX5j8LWy68EYZDQvF, 0 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\html\chart2_NF21WPYNOUYsYnuduZwaPB, 0 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\html, 0 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\info, 0 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun\src, 0 , 2017-04-10
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self\sfun, 0 , 2017-04-06
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC\_self, 0 , 2017-04-06
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj\PMSM_SMVC, 0 , 2017-04-06
积分滑模控制\slprj\_sfprj, 0 , 2017-04-06
积分滑模控制\slprj, 0 , 2017-04-06
积分滑模控制, 0 , 2017-04-10



0 个回复

  • FatTest
    生物电阻抗法设计了简易人体脂肪含量测试系统。利用人体的电特性分析人体组 分并以此判断被测者的健康状况。测试系统根据被测人群的年龄段、性别、体型等分类测试。( Based on a new technology which flourishes in recent years-bioelectrical impedance analysis CBIA) ,a measurement system for body FM is designed. )
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  • 4
    说明:  本程序实现多模态故障检测与故障诊断,用的方法是pca_GMM_FJ,对象为CSTH,GMM是用的FJ算法,效果很好(This procedure realize multimodal, fault detection and fault diagnosis method is pca_GMM_FJ, object for CSTH, GMM FJ algorithm is used, the effect is very good)
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