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  伪谱法轨迹优化软件工具包,在航空航天轨迹优化、机器人路径优化等领域用途较为广泛(The trajectory optimization software toolkit which is widely used in aerospace trajectory optimization, robot path optimization and other fields.)


gpops\ad\@ad\acos.m, 256 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acosd.m, 272 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acosh.m, 258 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acot.m, 253 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acotd.m, 270 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acoth.m, 255 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acsc.m, 280 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acscd.m, 295 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\acsch.m, 303 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\ad.m, 526 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\adconstant.m, 305 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\asec.m, 279 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\asecd.m, 296 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\asech.m, 275 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\asin.m, 255 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\asind.m, 271 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\asinh.m, 258 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\atan.m, 251 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\atan2.m, 195 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\atand.m, 267 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\atanh.m, 254 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\compositeDerivative.m, 336 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cos.m, 241 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cosd.m, 264 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cosh.m, 247 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cot.m, 249 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cotd.m, 272 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\coth.m, 251 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cross.m, 8887 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\csc.m, 269 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\cscd.m, 298 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\csch.m, 268 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\ctranspose.m, 400 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\diag.m, 590 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\display.m, 557 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\dot.m, 980 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\end.m, 96 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\eq.m, 242 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\exp.m, 246 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\ge.m, 244 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\getderivative.m, 198 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\getvalue.m, 170 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\gt.m, 241 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\horzcat.m, 2000 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\interp1.m, 1478 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\ldivide.m, 133 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\le.m, 244 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\length.m, 144 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\log.m, 244 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\log10.m, 259 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\lt.m, 241 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\mid.m, 205 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\minus.m, 2299 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\mpower.m, 1025 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\mrdivide.m, 1499 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\mtimes.m, 2227 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\ne.m, 242 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\ones.m, 605 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\plus.m, 2301 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\power.m, 2131 , 2009-11-26
gpops\ad\@ad\private\regroup.m, 1186 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\rdivide.m, 3682 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\repmat.m, 144 , 2009-03-15
gpops\ad\@ad\reshape.m, 777 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\sec.m, 279 , 2009-03-25
gpops\ad\@ad\secd.m, 308 , 2009-03-28
gpops\ad\@ad\sech.m, 283 , 2009-03-25
gpops\ad\@ad\sign.m, 227 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\sin.m, 256 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\sind.m, 273 , 2009-03-28
gpops\ad\@ad\sinh.m, 257 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\size.m, 948 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\sparse.m, 266 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\sqrt.m, 269 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\subsasgn.m, 3313 , 2009-09-17
gpops\ad\@ad\subsref.m, 914 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\sum.m, 889 , 2009-09-11
gpops\ad\@ad\tan.m, 259 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\tand.m, 282 , 2009-03-28
gpops\ad\@ad\tanh.m, 260 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\times.m, 2090 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\transpose.m, 301 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\uminus.m, 264 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\uplus.m, 262 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\@ad\vertcat.m, 2106 , 2009-02-16
gpops\ad\@ad\zeros.m, 609 , 2009-02-09
gpops\ad\README.txt, 770 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brachistochrone\brachistochroneCost.m, 253 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brachistochrone\brachistochroneDae.m, 467 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brachistochrone\brachistochroneMain.m, 3252 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brachistochrone\brachistochroneWrapper.m, 55 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brachistochrone\Contents.m, 458 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonDenham\brysonDenhamCost.m, 647 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonDenham\brysonDenhamDae.m, 1201 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonDenham\brysonDenhamEvent.m, 581 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonDenham\brysonDenhamMain.m, 2544 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonDenham\brysonDenhamWrapper.m, 49 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonDenham\Contents.m, 433 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonMaxrange\brysonMaxrangeCost.m, 475 , 2009-11-26
gpops\examples\brysonMaxrange\brysonMaxrangeDae.m, 1167 , 2009-11-26



0 个回复

  • kalmanfitertest
    教你如何仿真标准卡尔曼滤波算法,一个简单易懂的例子(teach you how to test Kalmanfiler agrethem)
    2013-03-24 15:01:53下载
    基于遗传算法的经济调度处理,word文档有简要说明,并且有算例(Based on genetic algorithms deal with economic dispatch, word document there is a brief description and examples have)
    2009-04-04 16:34:29下载
  • onepoint
    说明:  合成孔径雷达图像处理中最简单的情况,单个点目标的回波模型(sar)
    2010-04-10 20:38:58下载
  • G-Rilling
    HHT变换的三种方法 Matlab HHT变换的三种方法 Matlab(HHT transform three ways three ways Matlab HHT transform Matlab)
    2011-05-03 20:59:25下载
  • mandelbrot
    This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1 - 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. (This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+C you can change the degree of the equation between 1- 50. higher number in iteration, points in axes gives better results in image besides more resulting time. to zoom an area of the figure you must aproximately choose the point and then change the center values to this point values then push Show Graph button. because of this is the first version there can be any lack of usage. )
    2010-02-17 07:21:59下载
  • wvdc
    Creates a Wigner-Ville spectrogram
    2010-05-15 15:41:39下载
  • codificador
    codigo de electronica digital
    2015-01-31 03:48:00下载
  • MyFFT_C_languiges
    FFT算法C语言实现 和MATLAB中fft函数结果一样的功能(FFT algorithm C language and MATLAB fft function results in the same function)
    2013-11-23 20:49:38下载
  • gongetidu-
    Total gradient method extremum If using MATLAB is not difficult, but with C + + is not very easy.(Total gradient method extremum If using MATLAB is not difficult, but with C++ is not very easy.)
    2012-09-22 11:13:47下载
  • beam_model
    根据梁的弯曲振动方程解析求解梁的模态。算法清晰简便!清晰!很好用!(Based on the modal bending vibration equation analytic solution of beam. Algorithm is simple and clear! Clear! Very good use!)
    2020-12-21 15:39:08下载
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